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Charity Live Music Night Thursday 3rd March


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Charity Live Music Night Thursday 3rd March 2011 @ Walkabout. In aid of The Alzheimer's Society.

£3 in advance or £4. on the door.

Sheffield bands


Sleepwalker (http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sleepwalkerofficial.co.uk%2F&h=f385e)


(Walkabout Battle of the Bands finalist) Shamble Street,( http://www.myspace.com/shamblestreet )

DJ set and raffle.

We are still looking for bands to play at the event, please contact if you are interested or if you know of any bands.

Send me a message or contact me on 07962217470.


Many thanks

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