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Asda/clothes dept

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nothing, but see as you all find it funny, ill compare it to the way i wouldnt make people wait......and i have a carpet shop/not a advert, just ****e service from the big supermarkets, and if you were in primark as you all do.......you would be shouting the odds in meadowhall/or in morrisons /sainsburys for that matter..people hate queing . and youre NO different so dont come with that s...t

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nothing, but see as you all find it funny, ill compare it to the way i wouldnt make people wait......and i have a carpet shop/not a advert, just ****e service from the big supermarkets, and if you were in primark as you all do.......you would be shouting the odds in meadowhall/or in morrisons /sainsburys for that matter..


I wouldn't want to come to your shop if you consider Primark to be high end service.

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You don't HAVE to wait though.. you could just walk down stairs and get your things at any other till, I have to say Asda is normally spot on with good queue times, I buy loads of clothes from there and just shove them in the trolley and buy downstairs, I don't see if it matters where you pay for them?!

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You didn't say what time you went in ? At busy times all tills would be open but even Asda haven't got androids yet and the poor assistants need a break , and most liekt o go home and have tea with hubby and kids so staffing leverls do fall in the evenings, just like the blooming buses and most other public services-- workers still have home lives and since slavery was abolished the bosses have to let them go home sometimes-- sometimes they don't even turn up - for stupid reasons like feeling ill! When there is a shortage of staff for any of these reasons it makes sense to keep the downstairs tills open for the majority of the customers are there for food anyway and as every one says you have legs and there are lifts and escalators which you hav eto use to ge tout anyway-- so stopping off with yoru upstairs purchases at the downstairs tills is not such a hardship surely.. If they employed more staff they's have to put up prices to pay their wages -- you can't have everything love-- Not even patience apparently!!!

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oh well ill finish with a joke or two.


a irish jockey dies in ireland and his english companion has to go to ireland to identify the body, in the mortuary he says to the corroner.. thats not him... thats not him...thats not him... thats him... the coroner says ,, how do you know i havent taken the coffin lids off yet

he replies .....hes never been in the first 3 in his life...


a mate of mine offered me 8 legs of vennison for £50 is that two deer


why is abbreviation such a long word

if you strangle a smurf , what colour does it go


a park attendent was calling the boats in . he shouts come in boat number 19 your times up,,,his colleague says ...we havent got a boat number 19.....he then says boat 61 are you in trouble

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