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Currys Customer Service is Apalling

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Yes I do understand it perfectly well thank you, you on the otherhand, as your post to Dozy indicates, do not!!


The time frame of 28 days is not mentioned in the Act in relation to refund but a "reasonable time"


I should also point out that the bullet points you highlighted in red have to be seen in context with the points you seem to have ignored, that in "general" goods have a six year "warranty" by the RETAILER and in the first six months the purchaser doesn't have to prove a fault, the retailer has to prove one doesn't exist.


I think it is worth pointing out that these are statutory rights only, and if retailers as an inducement to buy improve these, then the improved "warranty" now is in force, John Lewis springs to mind.


The reason I gave the link was to point you towards information regarding the Acts, informing you as many others have done that the "warranty" is between the retailer and the purchaser.


As a matter of interest are you familiar with European Law in this area that actually gives the consumer different rights, Aldi, is an interesting example they seem to be following the European system and automatically give a three year "warranty", and before you say it yes the European law includes the UK as well.


With respect I have to say again that your understanding of consumer rights as others have pointed out is flawed and maybe you should stop being so strident and vociferous because frankly you're not helping to improve Curry's reputation.


To end on a good "customer services" note I apologise if the reason for your insulting of my intelligence, was because you felt got at, but I was trying to provide information to clarify the situation.


regards BBanzai


We did have 28 day rule, this is now 21 days, when we will exchange item.


It might surprise you but I get very few complaints about my level of customer service and indeed have had many compliments, while I accept we have a duty to customers we actually abide by the act as it is not as perceived by people who take it out of context. Thanks for info anyway perhaps we will sort the act out between us. Oh, and by the way 'daftlad' is not representative of Currys customer services we do not go around calling customers or Citizens Advice liars:love::love:

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I would NEVER buy anything over £9.99 from Currys, The after sales is a joke! Stick to your guns, show off in the shop, go to Trading standards, the press..........................!!!


Same here, I tried to take a faulty camera back and they just point blank refused to replace it because I hadn't payed for their extortionate insurance. I knew my rights and argued but they just ignored me.


At 23 I had to get my dad to call them:blush:



It worked though!


I think I had the camera for about two weeks!

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With respect I have to say again that your understanding of consumer rights as others have pointed out is flawed and maybe you should stop being so strident and vociferous because frankly you're not helping to improve Curry's reputation.


regards BBanzai


I totally agree. I wouldn't buy anything in Curry's anymore anyway.


The last thing I bought in there was a printer on "special offer". Quite a good deal. Apart from the fact that it didn't come with a USB lead and the sales assistant tried to sell me one for £16!!! A USB lead that would cost about £2 on Ebay. I'd already got a USB lead so didn't buy one but I don't like cons like this and it's put me off Curry's.


Reading about quibbling on refunds on here has just put me off even more. why shop there when other stores have much better customer service?

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You need some more training in customer services. I would never say that to a customer and you are supposed to try and help them resolve situation, not antagonise them. What you should have been doing is offereing them correct repair route or calling repairers for them and I work for same company as you:roll:


I am not interested in what you think about my customer service skills and to be honest dont care. You were not present at the call. The correct process was being followed as the item was bout begining of last year, repaired in december, customer says this repair was not done and returned back to him. The customer has not told us this while this week, so the machine is down at his local store, who are contacting tech guys,so I have done all i can. The man is taking what the CAB as absolute gospel and i simply told him what I thought. Now please shut up as you dont have a clue

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read this then -this is from the act you told me to read, have you read and understood it?




• After six months and until the end of the six years, it is for the consumer to prove the lack of conformity.


This bit is interesting, and something retailers like to weedle out of. Consumers have a much longer period of "warranty" that the formal warranty period sold with the goods generally. They will always fight it until you are ready to go to court, at which point they cave in. The few cases that have gone to court in the past have gone the way of the consumer and a judgement of "reasonable" time applies to expectations of how long items should last. I've had experience of this in relation to cars, as I used to work for one of the large manufacturers, and the court tested effective warranty period is a lot longer than that advertised.

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I did not know that you could now name & shame on SF:huh:

It is good if the rules have been changed though. It really does seem difficult and time-consuming to get consumer issues rectified. Hope you get it sorted quickly as it can cause loads of stress.

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