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Government drugs advisor sacked.

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It seems he is in the habit of not fully disclosing all his details, he’s been found out before for conveniently not disclosing his outside interests in the Marantha community so why on earth was he employed in the first place:




Experts who testified to MPs failed to reveal abortion links


“Hans-Christian Raabe, a GP from Manchester, gave evidence on whether parents should be notified if their child goes to a doctor for an abortion. In his initial submission he did not list any campaigning organisations but when asked for his affiliations he listed membership of the Maranatha Community, an anti-gay Christian pressure group that pledges “to re-establish Christian values in society”


Eveything he produces has to be biased and skewed, he shouldn’t have been employed in the first place.

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Everything everyone posts is biased and skewed.


Scientists should not make stuff up and present it as evidence.


Government advisers should shoul not lie about their affiliations.


If you lied to get a job would you complain if you were sacked?


When it comes to drugs Dr Raabe has no expertise, no research background and no relevant specialist experience.


Plus, he's wrong.


Someone should also remind him that according to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, cannabis use is lower in the Netherlands, where it is legal, than in the UK or most other European countries.



And someone should remind him that while an estimated 29 percent of British adults smoke or have smoked cannabis, the vast majority of people in this group use the substance responsibly and in moderation, and suffer no ill-effects.


In the real world which the rest of us inhabit, the “War on Drugs” has been a catastrophic, appalling, destructive failure on every level.



Trying to stamp out social practices of which the state disapproves, using the blunt force of the criminal justice system, simply does not work. It has led to a situation in which record numbers of non-violent drug users are imprisoned, with prisons bursting at the seams. The enforcement of anti-drug laws also reveals systematic racism and injustice: black people in the UK are six times more likely than white people to be arrested for drug use, and eleven times more likely to be imprisoned, despite being no more likely to use drugs.



Across the pond, cannabis prohibition has led to the homes of elderly, ill people being raided by armed police, for no other crime than growing and using cannabis in their own home as a painkiller.



Raabe is unfit for office not because of his religious beliefs, but because he is plainly incompetent for the role to which he has been appointed. He is more interested in promoting his own ideological viewpoint than in honest, objective scientific inquiry. For Raabe to ascribe the criticism of his appointment to anti-Christian sentiment, rather than to his own stupid remarks, is actually more-than-a-little insulting to his fellow Christians.



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Scientists should not make stuff up and present it as evidence.


Government advisers should shoul not lie about their affiliations.


If you lied to get a job would you complain if you were sacked?


When it comes to drugs Dr Raabe has no expertise, no research background and no relevant specialist experience.


If he hadn't written the report, would you have been any wiser to his failings?


Would he still have his job?

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Scientists should not make stuff up and present it as evidence.


Government advisers should shoul not lie about their affiliations.


If you lied to get a job would you complain if you were sacked?


When it comes to drugs Dr Raabe has no expertise, no research background and no relevant specialist experience.


Plus, he's wrong.


Someone should also remind him that according to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, cannabis use is lower in the Netherlands, where it is legal, than in the UK or most other European countries.



And someone should remind him that while an estimated 29 percent of British adults smoke or have smoked cannabis, the vast majority of people in this group use the substance responsibly and in moderation, and suffer no ill-effects.


In the real world which the rest of us inhabit, the “War on Drugs” has been a catastrophic, appalling, destructive failure on every level.



Trying to stamp out social practices of which the state disapproves, using the blunt force of the criminal justice system, simply does not work. It has led to a situation in which record numbers of non-violent drug users are imprisoned, with prisons bursting at the seams. The enforcement of anti-drug laws also reveals systematic racism and injustice: black people in the UK are six times more likely than white people to be arrested for drug use, and eleven times more likely to be imprisoned, despite being no more likely to use drugs.



Across the pond, cannabis prohibition has led to the homes of elderly, ill people being raided by armed police, for no other crime than growing and using cannabis in their own home as a painkiller.



Raabe is unfit for office not because of his religious beliefs, but because he is plainly incompetent for the role to which he has been appointed. He is more interested in promoting his own ideological viewpoint than in honest, objective scientific inquiry. For Raabe to ascribe the criticism of his appointment to anti-Christian sentiment, rather than to his own stupid remarks, is actually more-than-a-little insulting to his fellow Christians.




Which bit is the quote?

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