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Government drugs advisor sacked.

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You started the offensive posturing as usual i might add.


So find me conclusive proof of your statmeents - you can't because it is undisputable that it may happen.


I never said paedos fancied adults.


Just look up the meaning of the word homosexual - the answer is there for you. It doesn't specify age restrcitions any more. Peopl can water the content down to mean whatever they want - but same sex "love" is homosexual.


I am attacking your argument, you are attacking me personally because you've held a petty grudge about your appalling driving.


And there's no such word as "undisputable"

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I am attacking your argument, you are attacking me personally because you've held a petty grudge about your appalling driving.


And there's no such word as "undisputable"


"Undisputable" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1677

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I am attacking your argument


No you're not. All you're doing is saying someone is wrong, when they clearly are not.


you are attacking me personally


Are you following the same thread as me, or am I missing something? All you've done is tell someone they are wrong because of how you interpret a word/phrase incorrectly.

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The former Lib Dem MP, Dr Evan Harris. Now director of the Campaign for Evidence Based Policy, says:


"No advisor should be dismissed purely for holding and expressing entirely lawful views on another subject, no matter how objectionable."


Dr Harris, however, does believe the drugs minister James Brokenshire was right to revoke the appointment - he just did it for the wrong reasons.


"When it comes to drugs Dr Raabe has no expertise, no research background and no relevant specialist experience and worse still has an ideological position on drug policy that he has declared his intention to force through the Council. That's why he wasn't fit to be an expert adviser, not because of his wrong and offensive views on homosexuality."




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The "balanced" press report was from the Mail, which claims Raabe was sacked for his religious beliefs.


This is neither balanced, nor true.


I've never said I'm a journalist, I've no idea why you keep making stuff up.


I referred to you only quoting one viewpoint.

The journalist assumption came from you saying your editor had asked you to do something and as a result you had compiled a list of several bullet points in another thread. May have been about Egypt.

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