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Bankers hammered , go on george

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What about the ones who didn't take a penny from the tax payer? HSBC, Barclays, Standard Chartered etc. Why should they now pay more taxes and have the government sticking their noses in?


Because they benefited from our tax dollars propping up their industry. If one bank was allowed to fall confidence would have gone down and there would have been a run on them all. Us taxpayers propped up the whole banking sector. Not just the individual banks we bailed out.

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Revealed: how the City bankrolls Tory party


The Conservative Party has become reliant on bankers, hedge fund managers and private equity moguls for more than half its annual income, an independent analysis of Tory finances has revealed. Since David Cameron became Conservative leader in December 2005, the amount of money the City has given to bankroll the Tories has gone up fourfold, to £11.4m a year. Over those five years, the City has donated more than £42m to the party.


The research, conducted by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, highlights how reliant the party has become on the City at a time when David Cameron and George Osborne are under pressure to reform the financial sector.




Don't expect too much from George Osborne, you may be disappointed.

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£800 million is jack sugar...


They are paying themselves £8 BILLION in bonuses.


Osbourne is laughing at us all!


Errr... if you think 800million is 'jack sugar' compared to 8 billion, then presumably you think all the 10% cuts that are happening are 'jack sugar' too?

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It's not impossible to imagine that both parties agreed to this.

Government: How much tax do you think you should pay?

Banks: Somet small, and then we'll act like it's really hurting us and everyone will shut up about "taxing the banks" and we can carry on like normal.

Government: 20%?

Banks: 10% Yeah, 10.

Government: Okay. See you at lunch next week then. My treat. Byeee.

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