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Meals our mothers cooked in the old days

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I love anything with a pie crust - I braise a roast of beef with gravy for one meal, and then use left-over beef & gravy, add carrots & onion & cover with a pie crust. I guess I remember how my mother stretched out meals using a small piece of beef or chicken & adding vegetables & making it into a pie. We used to sit at the table half-an-hour before meal was ready, just anticipating the good food she made - or was it because we didn't have all the fast food and junk kids eat today and were thankful for whatever food we got.

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Was it Fussels? White tin with a blue butterfly on the label? We used to have this for Sunday tea ,usually on mandarin oranges or tinned peaches. We always used to have pretend picnics for Sunday tea. my mum would lay out the table cloth on the floor an we would sit on it eating our boiled ham sandwiches and fruit and cream to follow, pretending to be out in the country. I'll never forget a mate of Dads popping round unexpectedly and looking at us "gone out" as we sat picnicking in the front room :hihi:


used to be called sterelised cream[plumrose] now nestle carnation thick cream morrissons sell it ,yummy


Yes I do I think it was plumrose me and my grandad used to have a pint of jelly and a tin of cream each for tea on Sunday


I think it was the middle one but not sure, i think I will buy some and give it a good shake then let you all know the verdict.:hihi:

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Was it Fussels? White tin with a blue butterfly on the label? We used to have this for Sunday tea ,usually on mandarin oranges or tinned peaches. We always used to have pretend picnics for Sunday tea. my mum would lay out the table cloth on the floor an we would sit on it eating our boiled ham sandwiches and fruit and cream to follow, pretending to be out in the country. I'll never forget a mate of Dads popping round unexpectedly and looking at us "gone out" as we sat picnicking in the front room :hihi:


Gypsies used to say that you could tell if water was safe to drink by putting a drop of Fussels in. Trouble is that I can't remember what it was supposed to do, sink or float.

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]I think it was the middle one but not sure' date=' i think I will buy some and give it a good shake then let you all know the verdict.:hih[/b']i:


Yep Skippy I think you might be right. Thinking about it a bit more i think Fussels was really thick condensed milk my grandma used to have in her tea:gag: Nestle was the thick cream you had to shake... Just came back to me now, my Mum used to put a teaspoon of sugar in it to sweeten. Dear God , I cant believe I used to be a size 6 in those days despite eating things like that .

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I remember having pigs trotters, I never did like them. I brought it up in conversation recently with Mother after seeing a millionaire serve pigs trotters on Come Dine with Me and she told me it was only cooked when we was stoney broke and couldn't afford anything else.


I had no idea things was that bad.

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Someone once said to me that all the great recipes and dishes in the world were originated by poor people. And he was right.

I like Mrs Grissom's picnics on the floor, a few pot plants perhaps, and the illusion would've been perfect.

In the latter days of the war, World War 2 that is, my father used to buy beast's heart. He'd put it into one of those new-fangled pressure cookers and do it real tender. If there was any left he'd stick it in a saucepan with vegetables and we'd have a stew. If there were still some left he'd make some batter and we'd have it fried. One beast's heart could last a week.

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Scallops (Sliced potatoes not the shellfish) with a tin of tomatoes on fried bread - my granddads favourite tea on a Friday night - bath time for me in the tin bath in front of the fire and then sharing granddads tea - I can only have been around 4 or 5 but comes back to me so strong I can still taste it.




Still have scallops, slices of potato, dipped in batter and deep fried in lard with plenty of salt and vinegar.


Srawberries in summer with carnation thick cream.


Trifle, made with tinned fruit, Birds custard, whipped cream sprinkled with hundreds and thousands.


Cheese on toasted made by melting cheese and milk on a saucer and then spreading it on the toast.


Kippers and bread and butter:gag:

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