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50%+ of Labour Party funding comes from trade unions.

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This is a myth that the Labour party works for it's members, however they are funded. Lived through Tory and Labour Goverments, they all in it for themselves, they just want us to vote for their party.


The Labour Party are at their best IMO when they serve the interests of their core vote e.g. in 1945 - 1951, when the NHS & the welfare state was born and the working and living conditions of the people were prioritised.

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But isn't it interesting that Lord Levi, who was Labour's chief fund raiser is concerned about the party being in the pocket of unions?


Yes I think Lord Levi has his own agenda that isn't in the interests of the wider membership & untimately the electorate. I think he's much keener on schmoozing with city spivs than with ordinary working people.

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Why would the banks etc be representing the people that work in those areas? Banks, businesses, financiers etc do what is best for the shareholder. If that means laying off workers or outsourcing to India they will. The bank staff on the counter in the high street have no say in how their bank is run and would be first out of the door if the bosses decided they could make more money closing the branch. They have no vote on policy, they have no vote on who their bank donates money to.


As to the unions only representing the people that vote - well the same can be said of any democratic vote. Name the last politician that got voted in by a majority of their constituents. You may as well say that Government only represents the people who voted for it. In fact many non union workers have benefited greatly by actions of unions who campaigned for equal rights, protection for workers, National Minimum Wage etc - universal benefits, not just for their members.


Again it isn't people working at the counter then the head of the bank. Most people are in between, they own businesses and buy (or are paid in) shares, many are middle managers.


The unions influence what they want influenced the businesses influence what they want influenced. the businesses bring the money into the country the unions take it from the country. This explains why the tories cut and labour go mental on the credit card. Clearly it would be better to have a middle party but we don't so the swingometer must go on and that means we have to have insane bouts of saving to counteract the insane bouts of spending

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Ohh you are talking about the IMF being called in after the disasterous economic situation left by Edward Heath?...QUOTE]


I think you will find that the IMF bail out happened well into Labour's watch.




When the Labour Chancellor Dennis Healey went cap in hand for a humiliating bail out Labour was on its second term in power.

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Labour were the party that represented the hard working backbone of this country.


New Labour (1997 - 2010) represents the political elite, liberal elite, criminals and layabouts.


That's certainly the view of the mid market tabloids like the Daily Mail etc. Still if you live upto your pseudonym then you should be delighted that you have someone representing you.

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Refer to the link in post 36............ a car, a house and a foreign holiday doesn’t make someone middle class.


Gotta go ....... Off to work now :wave:


but a wage doesn't define what class you are either. I don't pretend to know what does exactly but most of this country is middle class. We don't have that many miners or factory workers or farm hands.


what really gets on my nerves is the use of the phrase "working people" I think it is used to imply that people like Richard Branson don't work hard because they make a lot of money, clearly rubbish!

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