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Dromophobia - help

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Hi, a relative of mine has been suffering from Dromophobia (fear of crossing roads) for around 10 years now. She has had various treatments on the NHS and private - hypnotherapy included. Unfortunatley nothing is working for her.

Its a real debilitating condition, she has a young child and cannot cross any road unaided, shes has to plan her routes to avoid crossing roads where possible. Relatives and friends are constantly taking time out to help her home from work, to the doctors, shops etc.


It all started when she had surgery on her leg around 10 years ago and needed help corssing roads, since that point and her leg healed she has been unable to cross roads / car parks. Another factor which is compounding this is she has no periphary vision, a fact only realised around 6 years ago which could explain the reasons why the standard procedures havent worked.


Does anyone out there have experience of this syndrome and all being well a positive outcome?


Perhaps there are people out there who could help treat her.




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I've never even heard of the condition, but I do sympathise.


My late partner suffered from agoraphobia and anxiety for most of her life - she finally got referred for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and it worked!


Tell your relative not to give up trying - there must be something out there that can help, she should go back to her doctors and ask for more help.

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