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Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult

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B Trautmann

Sorry I can't be bothered to quote all that again :hihi: but anyway a brief answer before I go to bed, so sorry if I miss any of your points.


Ok last point first, cults have to fit a certain criteria to be known as a cult and JW's do not, but I will leave you to research that for yourself as I am tired, but I do know that I am correct.


I have made posts on religion bashing threads in the past actually in a similar vein as other posters on this thread could probably verify, but to be honest I try not to as it is a waste of my time (or feels to be, and I can't be bothered with all of the arguing on what seems to me irrelevant points) its the intolerance and narrow mindedness that I see and don't like and the way that individuals are attacked, and I am not saying that this is the case here. I do know some truly lovely people that are JW's and this thread does them an injustice it really does.


Yes I probably could answer a lot of your questions about JW's but I am afraid that I don't have time to sit here all day (or night) doing so at the moment as I would invariably need to do...obviously the OP could also answer questions as could others, so why not just ask them anyway and see, I am also sure that the information that you seek will be freely available on the net as JW's are an open group and anyone at all believer or not, can sit in on any of their meetings so there are no secrets.


Last reply now, you ask if in my opinion it is possible to respect a belief you hold to be fundamentally wrong. Can one respect such a view, and should one respect it?... I believe that you should still respect the person and their right to holding belief even if you cannot agree with the belief.

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How about dropping the petty tittle-tattle and focussing a little more on offering the OP some helpful advice? Oh, sorry, I forgot we're on Sheffield Forum! Ok, back to the tittle-tattle guys..


I am just a bit confused though as to what the OP is hoping for from this thread, but I really could not agree more, and I think that I have done this ages ago so here I shall bow out and say goodnight :hihi:

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.....Jehovah's witnesses are not a cult, unless you know something that I don't.


Cult: definition - a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.


One of the attributes of a cult is to shun members who are unable to conscientiously agree with all the religion's teachings. Such is the experience of the OP (see post number 54).


JW's require total obediance to the teachings of their tenets and any questioning of their doctrines are regarded as 'independent thinking' that has been introduced by Satan. This amounts to unquestioning obediance by JW followers, who must abrogate all rights over their personal lives.


JW's do not vote, as they believe that there is only one form of government, namely god's kingdom on earth.


Sounds very much like a cult to me.

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The OP's Wife obviously does find being a Jehovah's witness to be a positive in her life, if she didn't she wouldn't do it surely no one is forcing her,


That is the whole point as alluded to in the thread title.


No-one is actually holding a gun to her head forcing her to remain a Jehovah's Witness, but if someone has messed her head up enough for her to actually believe that you will die in the 'armageddon' if you aren't a member of the sect, then that pretty much amounts to the same thing.


So she want's to remain a Witness because she is terrified of the alternative (to die as a non-believer in the 'armageddon)


I ask you again. how is this a positive thing in her life??? :confused:


Jehovah's witnesses are not a cult, unless you know something that I don't.


The Jehovah's Witnesses are included in ALL lists produced by cult information and cult watch sites, leading me to believe that yes, they are a cult.

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Cult: definition - a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

Most religions are considered to be extremest or false on this forum so far as I can see, so does that make them all cults then? in what way do JW's live unconventionally? do they not respect every law and treat others with respect? even when others cannot behave in the same way towards them. Ans there certainly is no authoritarian, charismatic leader unless you know something that I don't?

JW's require total obediance to the teachings of their tenets and any questioning of their doctrines are regarded as 'independent thinking' that has been introduced by Satan. This amounts to unquestioning obediance by JW followers, who must abrogate all rights over their personal lives.

This point is totally untrue, questioning of doctrines is not discouraged, that is not to say that people will always be able to agree with the answer given but that is the same for any religious group, if you don't agree with the doctrines then you simply walk away.

There is no unquestioning obedience by JW followers, if you actually took the trouble to find out properly you would find out that unquestioning obedience would be frowned upon and considered a bad thing.



Now I really am leaving this thread :rolleyes:

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not keen on this religion,they seem to prey on people that are at a low ebb in their lives..when they come to my door i dont shut it in their face,i just say sorry im busy havent got time to talk right now.a lot of people dont like them and just close the door in their face.if i needed religion in my life i would persue it myself.i dont need people knocking on my door to ask me if i would like to live forever and suchlike..i dont like their practises..a lot of brain washing.. so really it is like a cult.

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thanks for your input thats what im after genuine experiences


Our 30 year old son who is not a witness needed a very serious stomach operation, he had to go to a hospital 140 miles away, we travelled there many times before and after the operation, and stayed in special accommodation close to the hospital. We missed many meetings at the Kingdom Hall, missed 2 conventions and didn't go out witnessing for several months. I lost a lot of time at work and I was asked by some in the congregation if we needed any financial help. I said no, we were OK. After about 10 weeks our son was transferred to a hospital closer to home - only 37 miles away - and our lives began to get back to something like normal. Witnesses from our local congregation visited him many times. One day I was handed an envelope which contained $1300. The congregation, about 40 members, had a collection for us. Our meeting attendance was still sporadic but at one of these meetings an elderly sister pushed $50 dollars in my pocket and apologised for being away when the collection was being taken. After another 2 months in hospital our son is home again, the District nurse still visits him most days to dress his wound.


Shandi, I have tried to keep this brief. It hurt when I read of your experience. You asked for others so this is mine.

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There was a knock on the door this morning



I opened it and there was a young bloke standing there who said:



"I'm a Jehovah's Witness".



I said "Come in and sit down. Now what do you want to talk about"?



He said, " Buggered if I know . I've never got this far before"

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