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Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult

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For goodness sakes you just appear to be nit picking at what I have said, on the first point why was I not respecting his opinion? I was merely stating that factually it was wrong

Telling someone that their opinion is factually wrong is not a mark of respect.


In any case you are factually wrong anyway. Cult is a subjective term, it means different things to different people. You do not 'know' that the JWs are not a cult, you think that they are not a cult.


On the second point I was answering a question asked of me, so how is that arguing with imaginary people?
Because throughout your exchange B.Trautmann held a consistent position, specifically that beliefs are not inherently worthy of respect.


This exchange about respect for beliefs started when he said this:

And I deplore this 'respect the nonsense if it's a sincere belief' line. Nonsense is nonsense, no matter how much, or how many, people believe it to be otherwise.


He said nothing about respecting people, or their right to hold beliefs. He was only talking about respect for beliefs/ideas.


You objected to this and began arguing with him that beliefs are worthy of respect. After several pages of this in which B.Trautmann made a very good case for his position you appear to have given up with arguing against what he actually said, and instead chose to make something up to argue against.


Firstly, you rephrased his question yourself, and then you answered a completely different one anway:


You didn't even answer his question, look:


Can one respect such a view, and should one respect it?... I believe that you should still respect the person and their right to holding belief even if you cannot agree with the belief.


He didn't ask 'should you respect the person and their right to hold any belief'? but that is the question you chose to answer.


I'm not nitpicking, this isn't a minor semantic issue, you have attempted (possibly accidentally) to change the crux of your whole argument from one thing to another. As such I think it was totally reasonable for me to say that you were arguing with imaginary people.


Also, you appoear to have a habit of insulting people instead of arguing with their posts. Next time, rather than just calling me narrow minded, I'd appreciate actually being told why you think I'm wrong. Of course, as you say it is your perogative and feel free to ignore this whole thing, but know that I'm not singling you out or anything, I don't remember ever coming across you before, I have merely disagreed with the words in your posts.


Hope that's made it nice and clear.

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I'm scared of them. I once asked one what she would do if her son needed a blood transfusion and she looked me in the eye and said she would let him die. Bit wrong really. What's the blood thing about anyway?


the bible forbids the consumption of any manner of human flesh-- taken litereral to include the absorbtion of any part of the human body = no blood transfusion, or transplants of any kind. personally I think they are taking the message out of context but they believe if they obey Gods laws they will have everlasting life so in fact they are preserving their children not destroying them.

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I believe they are a mind control cult. One came to my door with what appeared to be a remote control, but upon further inspection I noticed it said "Acme persuadotron 3000". The depths these salad dodging left winged tree hugging people really do my head in. innit. Actually I have changed my mind as his batteries have just run out. No they are not controlling my mind

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There was a knock on the door this morning



I opened it and there was a young bloke standing there who said:



"I'm a Jehovah's Witness".



I said "Come in and sit down. Now what do you want to talk about"?



He said, " Buggered if I know . I've never got this far before"


Niced one !!!!! :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I am not a Jehovah's Witness but I have known a few in my time. I have always found them friendly and respectfull to other people. But then again I always treat them with friendliness and respect....................

Just because I dont subscribe to their way of thinking dosent mean I have to be rude to them.

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