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Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult

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My brother did (whilst he was still living with our parents). He made them a cup of tea and left them in the living room whilst he "legged it" and left them for my mother to find ten minutes later:D.


You ought to try living round here mate.


It's so rough that we have Jehovas Bystanders.


Nobody witnesses anything..

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I can't offer any direct experiences Shandi, but i have known a few JW's


One seemed uneasy about his fellow believers and the way they tend to shun people when something like your own situation arises. Someone on here mentioned a "naughty step", I was told that a couple had to spend months sat at the back of the church when they visited due to one of them having had an affair, which i suppose you could say is just desserts, or you could say it's alienating and ridiculing.


The other JW i knew is young and VERY arrogant. His attitude to women suggests that he thinks they are second class citizens. He will cut off any conversation (even if it doesn't involve him) if it touches on anything his religion doesn't agree with. His wife is usually silent and stands behind him as opposed to standing aside him when they are together.


Other than the usual door-knockers, that's the only experience i've had with JW's

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....There is no unquestioning obedience by JW followers, if you actually took the trouble to find out properly you would find out that unquestioning obedience would be frowned upon and considered a bad thing....


I have taken the trouble Moonbird.


I have personally experienced the destructiveness that membership of the JWs has brought on a family - where three generations of one family were divided by those who were JW members and those who were not.


I have witnessed family members being ostracised, including babies and children, because they were not themselves JWs or being brought up as JWs. I know of four children who have never known their grandparents because they were cut off from all association with them for not being raised as JWs.


I know of a woman who turned to her parents for love, comfort and support upon the sudden death of her fiance from a brain tumour, only to be told by her mother that his death was god's punishment as he was not a JW.


Don't you dare suggest to me that "unquestioning obedience would be frowned upon and considered a bad thing" when I have battled in a court of law to prevent my own children from being refused a blood transfusion.


I could relate more harrowing experiences of the blind faith and unquestioning obediance of JWs, which answer the OP's question - 'Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult?' The answer, Moonshine, is 'yes'.

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I could relate more harrowing experiences of the blind faith and unquestioning obediance of JWs, which answer the OP's question - 'Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult?' The answer, Moonshine, is 'yes'.


Sadly moonshine has left the thread.


I have squandered my resistance / For a pocket full of mumbles such are promises / All lies and jests / Still a man hears what he wants to hear /And disregards the rest
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You speak well of Jehovah Witnesses and it sounds as though you are well inclined towards them? If it pleases your wife and perhaps helps with her depression then would it be possible for you to do as she wishes? I can visualise her relaxing in her mind and the tensions fading away and a more harmonious home?


Just my thoughts for what they are worth and if I may I would like to wish you both the Lords blessing in your life together.


God bless.


This is an example of the mild basics of mind control, Shandi clearly saying that he ISN'T inclined towards them or speaks well of them, and Grahame contradicting it directly, SUGGESTING that he IS, punctuating the suggestion with a question mark.

Also suggesting that he encourages Shandi's wife's illness as though it is a good thing. I don't think that Grahame is trying to control him, but it shows the way of thinking he is used to in his life, possibly rubbing off on him from others who "guide" him.

The power of suggestion.


Couples do things together. What about these fantasies?


"Every woman on earth has fantasized about some explicit sexual fantasy that she may or may not have been too ashamed to talk about. Whether it's your girlfriend or your wife, this top ten list is sure to touch on a forbidden fantasy of her own.


Although most women prefer to leave their fantasies at that, others have a list that they are slowly but surely accomplishing. So the next time your woman seems to be wandering off in thought, who knows, she may be cruising around in the mystical world of sexual fantasy."




Second question.


Why the heck can't you stop interfering.


Yeah.... this one's just odd.


I don't get the link between his wife being terrified of armageddon and your SUGGESTION that he goes along with it, comparing it to a sexual fantasy.


You even post a link to some psychology of sex site :suspect:




Also, how come when anyone posts an opinion different to yours, you say "stop interfering" or "why don't you leave me alone?".

These threads are open to discussion by all, it's not just for your propaganda.

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