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Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult

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One Sunday morning heard a knock on front door, went to open it there was a middle aged man and woman standing on the doorstep.

Good morning we're Jehovahs witnesses's the man said........I didn't know that there had been an accident I replied !!


it is always nice to have a bit of humour on the threads. this topic is very interesting and i have learned quite a bit about j.w's. i have talked with them at length and have enjoyed reading their magazines. i have even invited them in to my house but my partner took one look at them and told them to bugger off. however from what i have read on here it does appear that there is a form of mind control taking place within their brotherhood. is it allowed to just turn up to one of their meetings or is it by invitation only?.

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Read this thread with interest as I was also brought up as a JW. Both myself and my two brothers and sisters are no longer in the religion. Most of the friends I grew up with also are no longer in the religion. My mother was disfellowshipped when she divorced my dad for adultery. No one spoke to her, people she had known all her life would cross the street to avoid her. What love is that teaching, what is it showing. Its cruelty, pure and simple.

My father remarried and is still a JW. He doesnt bother with any of his 5 children or any of his 10 grandchildren as they are not JWs.


Im 40 this year and have thought about religion a lot. In my humble opinion I believe JWs are wasting their lives tied to out of date and unproven beliefs,but then again I believe that of all religions. The difference with JWs is that the religion controls every aspect of their lives. There are no choices as, if you make the wrong choices, you are punished by being ostracised. For people dependent upon the very small circle of associates and the strict regimented beliefs its hard to go against.


For people brought up as JWs its very hard to integrate into the outside world. When I was 16 when I left I was so very very naive and totally unprepared for life.


Cult, who knows. Brainwashing - I think so.

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Pretty much backs up what I was told about the "shunning" of people.


Somebody joked at the start of the thread about it being scientology, in my opinion, after reading this thread it doesn't sound too far off. Of course, it could differ between the local churches, there's bound to be a few that aren't so bad.


I hope

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Read this thread with interest as I was also brought up as a JW. Both myself and my two brothers and sisters are no longer in the religion. Most of the friends I grew up with also are no longer in the religion. My mother was disfellowshipped when she divorced my dad for adultery. No one spoke to her, people she had known all her life would cross the street to avoid her. What love is that teaching, what is it showing. Its cruelty, pure and simple.

My father remarried and is still a JW. He doesnt bother with any of his 5 children or any of his 10 grandchildren as they are not JWs.


Im 40 this year and have thought about religion a lot. In my humble opinion I believe JWs are wasting their lives tied to out of date and unproven beliefs,but then again I believe that of all religions. The difference with JWs is that the religion controls every aspect of their lives. There are no choices as, if you make the wrong choices, you are punished by being ostracised. For people dependent upon the very small circle of associates and the strict regimented beliefs its hard to go against.


For people brought up as JWs its very hard to integrate into the outside world. When I was 16 when I left I was so very very naive and totally unprepared for life.


Cult, who knows. Brainwashing - I think so.


sounds familiar

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Somebody joked at the start of the thread about it being scientology, in my opinion, after reading this thread it doesn't sound too far off. Of course, it could differ between the local churches, there's bound to be a few that aren't so bad.


Their rules are laid down at their headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, I don't think there's much autonomy granted to the local Kingdom Halls.


Many years ago, out of sheer curiosity, I attended one of their meetings and what struck me was the way one member, armed with a microphone, was dashing here and there amongst the congregation asking questions (about Jesus) which required a predictable answer. You'll find a similar pattern of questioning at the end of their magazine articles. They all seemed happy enough though.

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I have just done a google on brainwashing and top of the list was television.


Here is just one video out of many




yes went to south yorkshire wildlife park ,all the kids seemed interested in were the meercats you couldnt get near them and i bet you can guess which advert was being recited :hihi:

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yes went to south yorkshire wildlife park ,all the kids seemed interested in were the meercats you couldnt get near them and i bet you can guess which advert was being recited :hihi:


Hello shandi, I would know if I watched television but I am very discriminating in my viewing. The media is a very powerful tool for influencing people which it does in millions. :(


Information enters our brains through our fives senses which some people call "gateways" so TV uses the eye-gate and the ear-gate while reading a newspaper only uses the eye-gate which means TV has double the influence.


The thing about my kind of belief is that the message is good and life enhancing which isn't always the case with TV, violence for example can harden the heart and even make it acceptable and that's only violence. :rant:


The other thing is that what you and I do is something we have made a considered decision about, also we debate with others and make our own minds up as you have demonstrated in this thread and even though I have reservations about the teaching of the Watchtower Organisation I wish you and yours well and may God bless you in a very rich and wonderful way.


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