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Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult

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JW’s are all about control, they seem to love the power of dis-fellowshipping people (making them sit on the naughty pew) and giving the silent treatment.


Everybody I’ve known who’s got involved with them had their and their family’s life messed up by it. They are told not to mix with non-members, so control becomes easy as they soon lose friends and family and come to rely on the organization. :gag:

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I have a friend who is dating a Jehovahs witness and he and his girlfriend have to pretend to not be together in public. The reason the girl whose family are Jehovah's witnesses has not just straight up told her family that she's dating someone is because she is afraid of the community ostracising her.


Control through fear, yes the JW has many cult-like characteristics.

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Nope, I am a pagan and i have never forced my child to follow my way of life.... Ever :)


Can I ask how you avoid that? if you live as a family don't you all live in the same way? and if not then how do you avoid doing so and still keep the family harmonious? do your opinions and beliefs never get mentioned? do you hide what what you believe to be right or defend it?

If you believe that you have found a good set of beliefs and a good way to live then is it right to deny a child guidance based on your hard earned life experience, or should we let our children flounder and make lots of avoidable mistakes...yes they will do so but surely our job as a parent is to guide our children and to help them grow, surely that means giving them knowledge and information.

I'm not getting at you Norks and I am sure that you are a brilliant parent, but I really don't agree with the idea of children deciding for themselves, because really children do need guidelines.

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I'm not getting at you Norks and I am sure that you are a brilliant parent, but I really don't agree with the idea of children deciding for themselves, because really children do need guidelines.


They don't need guidelines for what to believe. They just need guidelines for how to behave.


I see nothing wrong with giving children knowledge, it's beliefs I don't think you should give them.

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Can I ask how you avoid that? if you live as a family don't you all live in the same way? and if not then how do you avoid doing so and still keep the family harmonious? do your opinions and beliefs never get mentioned? do you hide what what you believe to be right or defend it?

If you believe that you have found a good set of beliefs and a good way to live then is it right to deny a child guidance based on your hard earned life experience, or should we let our children flounder and make lots of avoidable mistakes...yes they will do so but surely our job as a parent is to guide our children and to help them grow, surely that means giving them knowledge and information.

I'm not getting at you Norks and I am sure that you are a brilliant parent, but I really don't agree with the idea of children deciding for themselves, because really children do need guidelines.




I totally understand where you are coming from and in my household my children always get the choice to participate in my beliefs.

If samhain is approaching then i ask if they want to celebrate in the pagan way or whether they would like to dress up and go trick or treating(well when they were young enough )

I guide them when i think they need guiding but i would never bring my religion into it.

I have instilled in them to have faith in themselves first before anything else and have tried to teach them about lots of different religions, i think both of them are pretty level headed when it comes to religion and either of them follow any.


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