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Are jehovahs witnesses a mind control cult

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to me the issue of blood use is a personal choice i would not impose it on anyone let alone a child ...


i never found them controlling and agree with a lot of what they teach- my studies ended mainly because i cannot stop smoking & so could not be accepted as a witness


I think they say you have to 'impose' your views on blood transfusion on to your children don't they? Meaning you are supposed to let them die for lack of blood. That sounds more than a little controlling to me.


I also think not letting smokers join is odd. Judge ye not lest ye be judged yourselves and all that.


I understand that they maintain lists of books their members cannot read. That's controlling too.

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Anything you do to broaden the groups exposure will be greeted with lots of pats on the back and any steps you take to be "non worldy" will be the best thing you will ever do.


There was a single man i could respect as a jehovah's witness because he seemed unclouded and could actually hold a conversation and keep god out of it, his name was george, he was an elderly man and it was a pleasure to have known him, but this is not how i would describe the vast majority of witnesses.


I am in the position of being a father myself now and things like christmas, birthdays etc are things pretty alien to me, but i provide these for my daughter, for nothing other than social inclusion, she will not have the social and family ties severed down to anyone elses beliefs.


If you are true to yourself and look back on your time as a witness and at some of the conversations you had with those who did not follow your teachings you will see that your reasoning took backstage to evangelical preaching of the "new system", "armargeddon" , "the great tribulation", "the 144,000".


They really do not care for you the person, but you the object that can absorb their information like a sponge and regurgitate it. I also believe there is somewhere in the bible that states that any person, group, organization that claims to be the one true voice of god is by default NOT the voice of god. Surely if such a religion were so true it could survive solely on it's message and not using inflamatory remarks like "false religion" and i say this because if you ever say their religion is false their attitude soon changes!


Could go on about this for a long time but to cut a long story short i firmly believe them to be a cult and denial of this status goes hand in hand with the cult ideals and indoctrination anyway.


thanks my experience is pretty much the same

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I think they say you have to 'impose' your views on blood transfusion on to your children don't they? Meaning you are supposed to let them die for lack of blood. That sounds more than a little controlling to me.


I also think not letting smokers join is odd. Judge ye not lest ye be judged yourselves and all that.


I understand that they maintain lists of books their members cannot read. That's controlling too.


smoking was banned in about 1973 ,to do with damaging/polluting your body and passive smoking effects

yes blood is denied to your children ,although now there are alternative transfusions witnesses can have ,and now the court take over in life or death situations and parents over ruled , interestingly witnesses are now told not to fight this as its nowviewed as out of there hands

ive never heard of a list of books not to be read

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yes blood is denied to your children ,although now there are alternative transfusions witnesses can have ,and now the court take over in life or death situations and parents over ruled , interestingly witnesses are now told not to fight this as its nowviewed as out of there hands


Ah, so all of us who are having blood transfusions just because it's fun would not be welcomed - but as long as you're having a blood transfusion as an important medical procedure you're ok? Glad that's sorted.


Recreational blood transfusions = bad

Medically necessary blood transfusions = acceptable


It's a shame god wasn't so clear really. I suppose lots of people have died over a misunderstanding.


I also find it interesting that "parents are over-ruled" in blood transfusion cases. An religion claiming it knows better than the parents what is best for their children in a life or death situation is definitely a cult - especially if the parents pay any heed whatsoever to them.

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All religions are controlling to some extent. They set out to make you believe what they say, and to do whatever their religious text says. Is it MORE controlling than other religions? Maybe. I have a friend at work who is a JW and he seems very content and a well rounded bloke. A lot of JWs don't mix so much with "outsider" so it is hard to get a true idea

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i have had experiences with people of the witness faith and they are totally focused on their religious beliefs. it is as if their beliefs take over their whole lives. so to a certain extent they are mind controlled by the brotherhood of their religion. however i never met a bad witness they are a decent, kind, caring lot who would gladly help others.

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