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Would you be a man or a woman

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Hard to tell when someone's joking or not on here (so I apologise for answering seriously if you are), but we don't urinate through our vagina, we urinate through our urethra.


I had to try and convince a female friend of mine that she did not, in fact, urinate out of her clitoris. She wouldn't let me show her where her urethra and her clitoris were though..:heyhey:

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I remember that I had a trans-gender dream some years ago and posted the details on the forum. In the dream, not only was I a woman, but a woman with a husband, whom I proceeded to nag and generally order about. Nothing of a sexual nature occurred, but it was very vivid otherwise. When I awoke, my hands were on my boobs (which I found understandable, since were I a woman I would probably spend a lot of time playing with them). I found the experience very strange, because I have no interest in transvestism, gender reassignment or gaylordism. No doubt Freudians would come up with some (almost certainly wrong) explanation – as they tend to do in such cases. I was baffled by it, rather like Gregor Samsa felt when he woke up as a beetle. I have never had a dream of a similar nature since.


So gay. You were still in bed with your 'husband' :hihi:

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I'd try it as a bloke. Not cos I'm a wannabe (no penis envy in women thats all in mens minds) and the sex well thats a turn off but.. so are the moobs, but just so I could show how nice men could be, yet <REMOVED> all over other blokes delusions for revenge! A steely mans man and the sexiest sweetest (not creepy) womans man. On the other hand I'd rather meet him! XD

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I think I'd chop it off an be a woman. ... bobs your uncle and hopefully it works again. ...


Shouldn't that read 'Lorena Bobbitt's your aunt'?



So very surprised more men haven't suggested that they would come back as a lesbian...


Well didn't a somewhat famous and exalted male express a wish to be reincarnated as a tampon?

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I simply couldn't cope with being a man - I can scarcely focus enough to brush my teeth in the morning, I dread to think what would happen if I had to shave!:hihi:


In fact, the only time I've ever wanted to be a man has been when I'm in the middle of the countryside and need to pee ....

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