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Do ghosts exist?

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There's also a photgraph. still in existence somewhere of a group of WW1 British soldiers. When the photo was printed everyone of the soldiers swore blind that a soldier shown in the second row had been killed a few days previously


I saw this once and if its the one im thinking of I think its just a camera error, the face is a copy of another face within the group. I think the soldiers stricken with grief would have believed. Things are easier to believe if you already want to believe its true.


Whatever you all think is fine, you put across some good points flamingjimmy. All I know is from my experiences I believe in ghosts and that my opinion.

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What actually is a ghost?



I watched a tv programme a couple of weeks ago cant remember which channel though , although I must say it was all beyond me.


The scientist was talking about this:



a parallel universe, and that maybe ghosts might just be shadows of that

all strange stuff.

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"An apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living"
Pretty specific and I would guess what most people would say


I watched a tv programme a couple of weeks ago cant remember which channel though , although I must say it was all beyond me.


The scientist was talking about this:



a parallel universe, and that maybe ghosts might just be shadows of that

all strange stuff.

A bit less specific!


Any other answers?

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And what is a ghost made of. For it to be seen it must interact with photons that our eyes can pick up. For us to feel it, it must be able to create a force in the real world. If we can see or feel then complex equiptment can detect these photons or forces. But they never have.


If its not in the physical world, its in your head.

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