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Old Police box locations

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Here we go my first contact with the old Tardis boxes was in 1959 in the one on Hodgson st which was built into the wall of St Silas school the local copper asked me if i would rather have a clip around the ear hole or taken home to see my old man i went for the clip but was still taken home that was for playing in old derelict properties second time 1966 was in the one outside the Yorkshire bank next to the Lansdowne pub on London rd that was for a bit of a scrap in the Lansdowne pub then between 67 and 70 four further occasions in the one in Fitzalan sq [ brick built ] drunk and disorderly and fighting around town and finally 1971 i was entertained by TINY the huge copper who was resident in the box at the side of the town hall on Surrey st this was after the Blades had won promotion to the old 1st div i was swimming in the old Goodwin fountain at the top of Fargate when Tiny told me to get out i told him " leave me i'll swim home" Tiny later became charge officer at Water Ln cells i also remember him doing traffic duty at Fitzalan sq can anyone else remember him from the 60s and early 70s i always found him fair in any dealings i had with him unlike many others i can mention.

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Right lads and lasses, feeling a bit of a sad person, so what do you think of this suggestion.


Let's make a record on here for Sheffield history of the position of as many of the old Police boxes we can remember and of course your stories in connection with them.


Chippinghouse Rd jcn Abbeydale Rd o/s Post Office


Near bottom of Sharrow Lane, just up from bank ( now restaurant ) set into wall of Sitwell House.


Rivelin Valley Rd, bottom of Hollins Lane, side of river.


Must have been dozens of them, some of you old ex coppers on here will probably locate many !


Wasn't there one built into the playground wall of Hunters Bar Junior School? Or is my old memory playing tricks on me?

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I thought the one in Crosspool was on the other side of Lydgate Lane nearer to what was Wallers paper shop. I moved to Crosspool in 1947 and don't remember the one shown in Hillsboro's photo. I remember Ashmore's butchers - bottom of Ringstead Crescent I think not far from Senior's paper shop.

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I thought the one in Crosspool was on the other side of Lydgate Lane nearer to what was Wallers paper shop. I moved to Crosspool in 1947 and don't remember the one shown in Hillsboro's photo...
The photo that hillsbro linked evidently dates from the 1920s and so the box had presumably been moved by 1947.


I seem to remember the police box that can be seen in this photo, on Commonside - I think it was still there in the late 1960s.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello all.


Fascinating reading all these accounts of Police Boxes. I've made a map of the locations mentioned here, matching to pictures and locations as sure as I can.




Thought people here might enjoy it. Any more not listed, or any that I've got plain wrong, please say and I'll update it.


Lots more pictures of Sheffield Boxes here.



I'm currently matching those photos to locations on the map too.




(sorry for non-html links, not allowed to post links with a post count under 5, but I've only signed up for this thread)

Edited by cparrott
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