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Old Police box locations

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You might like to add the one that stood on the corner of Barnsley Road and Hatfield House Lane opposite the Pheasant at Lane Top......and the one that stood at the entrance to Firth Park on the corner of Hucklow Road. Also, I seem to recall seeing one on Crowder Lane (?) across from Longley Park?

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for those on Android phones, you can also click this link and google-maps will show you in relation to your nearest box. if you click the point on the map, a link to a photo comes up (on about half of them, couldn't find photos of the rest).



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There was a box at Bents Green on Ringinglow Road, opposite the top of Bents Road. As circa seven year olds many many years ago, we would collect car numbers there and the friendly local bobby would come and examine our notebooks, no doubt looking out for suspicious vehicles.

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East Bank? of Hillfoot Bridge. Near Club Mill Road junction. Farfield pub nearby.


I,ve seen the inside of that one a few times,the local bobby was mentioned in Fred Passes book "Weerz Me Dad".He was a top weight illegitimate always picking on any kid who came into his presence he was a bit free with a clip round the ears if you had the nerve to defend yourself with an explanation!.That was why those two lads heaved his bike off Hillfoot Bridge into the River Don,I hope he got a rollicking for loosing it,nasty old swine!.:hihi::hihi::rolleyes:

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Hi everyone. There was a police box at the corner of Grimesthorpe Road and Earl Marshall Road, opposite Grimesthorpe School. I remember seeing the old black Wolseley police cars with big chrome headlights stopping there in the late forties/ early fifties, as well as constables on the 'beat'.


Can't give you pics. direct on this Forum, so click on this:- http://www.picturesheffield.com and type in the search...Police Boxes. (You may have to then open the new window to full screen to reveal the button). You should then get lots of old pics. of police boxes around Sheffield. (Hope this makes sense. Let me know if you are unsuccessful).


Regards Peter.

Edited by PeterR
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