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Mubarak steps down, and hands power to army.

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Better the devil you know. Army could be worse.

The Army will be worse, make no mistake. Effectively the country is now under Martial Law and being run by hotheads with machine guns. This is just what Israel wanted to see happen.

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A fantastic victory for the protestors in Tahrir Square - I salute you.


I hope the army will use it's powers responsibly and that no more lives will be lost.


Apparently, this means VP is out of office also now.

Would you say the same thing if it was Trafalgar Square ?

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Would you say the same thing if it was Trafalgar Square ?


I imagine it would depend if they'd had a government that had been in power for multiple decades and had fraudulently won numerous elections.


Whilst I do think there's somthing to be said for the double standards in the way protesting is reported in other countries compared to at home, this is definitely apples and oranges.

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Couldn't agree more. The President is dead long live the President.


Mubarak was 82. Not even Mugabe goes on for ever regardless of how many time he fakes elections. If I were an Egyptian I'd be waiting for what happens after an election before I cracked open the Bolly, if that is an election happens at all.

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