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Mubarak steps down, and hands power to army.

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Shock! Horror!


Maybe not you, but some here are trying to put some kind of negative spin on the meaning. You know, they are implying that countries whose names end in "stan" are somehow less worthy of being treated with respect.


So if 'stan' means land, then Eng-land is the land of the Angles, but ****-stan would be the land of the Pakis.


You can't say that!


I have to get this confirmed but it would be land of the Pak. The i approximates the English "Of". It's 2 AM here now and I am not going to wake my Arabic speaking neighbours for someting so trivial.


As for not being able to say "****", sure you can. It's all about context.

Some of my Pakistani friends even use the term themselves. I was invited to a barbecue last summer and one of them texted me: "Apart from what's on grill, there's only **** snap and don't forget the beer"

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Yes. Really.


When was this? Or are you perhaps confusing Iraq with Iran?

When Saddam Hussein of Iraq ordered SCUD missiles to be launched against Israel in Gulf War I?


Do try to keep up. History is overtaking you already.

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ok whats going to happen now


mass unemployment They already had it


mass food riot Ending poverty and hunger was one of the protestors intial demands


nutters take over They were already in power and have now been given the boot


attack israel What for?


Couldn't be bothered to reply in multiple quotes so my answers are in bold.

Repeat: Do try to keep up, History is overtaking you.

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Apparently this Mubarak dude has billions of dollars, pounds and euros stashed all over the place including England, much of it misappropriated no doubt from the Egyptian treasury department.

One news source placed the amount at around 40 billion in dollars alone.

That seems hard to believe though

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ok whats going to happen now


mass unemployment


mass food riot...


There are a lot of countries with mass unemployment and people existing on or below the breadline.


The riots in Libya and Egypt may just be a foretaste of things to come. The Egyptians have got rid of Mubarrak, but that alone isn't going to solve the unemployment problems, nor will it provide food.


Rioting because you don't have a job and you're hungry isn't going to get you a job, nor is it going to fill your belly. Indeed, if the period of unrest in any country becomes prolonged, things are likely to get worse rather than better.


Perhaps its time that each country looked seriously at becoming self-sufficient for food. There are already food shortages in Egypt and Al Jazeera predicts they are going to get far worse.


The UK imports 40% of its food. It imports a significant amount of food from Egypt. if the new Egyptian government decides to use the food it produces to feed its own people (not entirely a bad idea, perhaps) where is the UK going to get the replacement imports from?


Is the UK's policy of importing food from nations which have starving people of their own justifiable? Did that policy contribute (even a small amount) to the problems which triggered the riots in Egypt?

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...As for not being able to say "****", sure you can. It's all about context...


I wouldn't be so sure about that!


The first CO of No 617 (Dambuster) Sqn, Guy Gibson, had a black Labrador called '******' (remember, that was in the 1940s.) ****** was hit by a car on the A15 and killed just before the Dams raid. The dog became (posthumously) the Squadron mascot. (The most junior officer on the most recently-arrived crew on the Squadron was responsible for looking after ******'s grave."


In the early 1980's a Tornado from 617 had an in-flight emergency at low level and transmitted an emergency call which included a request that information be passed to the Squadron's operating frequency (callsign: "****** Ops."


The air traffic controller who received the call refused to do so, complained to the crew who were making the transmission and submitted a formal complaint about the callsign. "****** Ops" was re-named "Black Dog Ops."


...Some of my Pakistani friends even use the term themselves. I was invited to a barbecue last summer and one of them texted me: "Apart from what's on grill, there's only **** snap and don't forget the beer"


Indeed. - A friend of mine, a Pakistani who owend a corner store, referred to it as 'The **** Shop' (as did everybody else.) He wanted to name it 'The **** Shop' but he wasn't allowed to do so.


Apparently, the council wouldn't allow him to name his own store the **** Shop because if people called it that he might possibly be offended.:hihi::hihi:

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The sweary filter on this forum proves my point! It replaced the word I used (a word which starts with an 'N', ends with an 'r' and contains an 'i', two 'g's and an 'e' with asterisks.


So much for 'all about context'.


The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. AFAIK, the forum 'sweary' filter is not powered by hydrogen.

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waste of time egypt is now an istan. within 5 years they will attack israel and then we are all at war.


They may or may not attack Israel, most unlikely if the US stops paying for their Armed Forces (current situation) while providing never ending military aid to Israel combined with unconditional support and the sacrifice of US/UK troops.


The only reason we would be involved in an Egypt/Israeli war is due to the fact that US and UK governments bow to very powerful pro Israel lobbies and would drag us in contrary to our interests.

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The only reason we would be involved in an Egypt/Israeli war is due to the fact that US and UK governments bow to very powerful pro Israel lobbies and would drag us in contrary to our interests.


you really are clueless aren't you. The Suez canal remains the overiding security concern in the region, just has it has been for the past 150 years. It's not Israel that's the big worry. It's the fleeting, luckily very remote long-shot possibility that the Islamists just might manage to get control of the Canal zone when the Nazis and the Communists failed. If the Egyptians really are dumb enough to take on Israel again in the future, Israel will easily win a conventional as opposed to a more difficult to win assymetrical war. They'd just take Sinai again as a buffer like they did before. The Egyptian army knows all this that's why they made peace with Israel in the first place. They won't go through it all again.

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you really are clueless aren't you. The Suez canal remains the overiding security concern in the region, just has it has been for the past 150 years. It's not Israel that's the big worry. It's the fleeting, luckily very remote long-shot possibility that the Islamists just might manage to get control of the Canal zone when the Nazis and the Communists failed. If the Egyptians really are dumb enough to take on Israel again in the future, Israel will easily win a conventional as opposed to a more difficult to win assymetrical war. They'd just take Sinai again as a buffer like they did before. The Egyptian army knows all this that's why they made peace with Israel in the first place. They won't go through it all again.


Perhaps not but they're all increasingly banging the same drum these days. I can see it more than just Egypt and Syria that attack Israel the next time around.

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