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David cameron - big society

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I just visited the websites of both the conservatives and the lib dems - there is no 'Big Society' link on either site. Considering the formless cloud of newspeak and vapid rhetoric that has generated around this, the central pillar of the coalitions policy, I am surprised there is no detailed (or even ambiguous) coverage of the ideas and actions supporting it on either party's web site.


Big Society is purposefully nebulous, purposefully unclear, without distinction it has a generalised and vacuous appeal to anyone crazy enough to have faith.


BS is at best empty rhetoric, at worst cynical cover for the transfer of public money into private hands.


I'm lovin' it!

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I just visited the websites of both the conservatives and the lib dems - there is no 'Big Society' link on either site. Considering the formless cloud of newspeak and vapid rhetoric that has generated around this, the central pillar of the coalitions policy, I am surprised there is no detailed (or even ambiguous) coverage of the ideas and actions supporting it on either party's web site.


Big Society is purposefully nebulous, purposefully unclear, without distinction it has a generalised and vacuous appeal to anyone crazy enough to have faith.


BS is at best empty rhetoric, at worst cynical cover for the transfer of public money into private hands.


I'm lovin' it!


Yes, it does seem to be a rehash of the 'active citizen' policy that the Tories launched in the late 1980s.


Tbh I think that politicians nowadays feel compelled to dream up these buzzwords that try to provide a narrative to justify their existence. The media constantly ask our elected representatives 'what are you about' & 'what is your approach', and these soundbites like 'aspiration' (which is the most overused phrase in the politicians lexicon) are an attempted answer.

Unfortunately like with Labour's 'Third Way' and 'stakeholding' they just serve as an obfuscation, rather than shed light on an issue

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Yes, it does seem to be a rehash of the 'active citizen' policy that the Tories launched in the late 1980s.


Tbh I think that politicians nowadays feel compelled to dream up these buzzwords that try to provide a narrative to justify their existence. The media constantly ask our elected representatives 'what are you about' & 'what is your approach', and these soundbites like 'aspiration' (which is the most overused phrase in the politicians lexicon) are an attempted answer.

Unfortunately like with Labour's 'Third Way' and 'stakeholding' they just serve as an obfuscation, rather than shed light on an issue


If we know what their on about then we would quickly forget about the mention. The new buzzwords makes us listen and try to find out what it's on about, which hopefully gets us to understand it better and remember it, maybe even debate or act.

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If we know what their on about then we would quickly forget about the mention. The new buzzwords makes us listen and try to find out what it's on about, which hopefully gets us to understand it better and remember it, maybe even debate or act.


Alternatively David Cameron could lead by example and get citizens to manage areas of government activity & expenditure that he's in favour of - such as people volunteering to chauffeur him and his cabinet colleagues about lol. Can't see that happening anytime soon....

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Alternatively David Cameron could lead by example and get citizens to manage areas of government activity & expenditure that he's in favour of - such as people volunteering to chauffeur him and his cabinet colleagues about lol. Can't see that happening anytime soon....


That's a good idea... But as raised in The Big Question on Sunday, that job is probably done by a security trained professional, so it's one of those which isn't so simple, but as someone suggested, maybe other untrained people could take up their slack, then they could pay them less.

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