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David cameron - big society

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Big Society in action!


He worked at dead of night, setting out from home with the tools of his trade and careful to avoid detection.

But Stephen Rimmer was no criminal - quite the opposite in fact.

The 37-year-old former soldier would secretly renovate dilapidated benches and play equipment, cheering them up with a splash of colour.


In three months he completed 18 projects near his home in Oldham, including rope swings and children's look-outs.

Initially, council chiefs assumed it was a project between park rangers and schools, but when they asked around there were blank looks.

Finally they appealed for the 'guerrilla handyman' to come forward - and when Mr Rimmer admitted it was him, congratulated him for his handiwork which has saved the public purse around £3,000.


Nobody asked for Mr Rimmer to go out fixing public furniture and he wasn't part of a voluntary organisation requiring any public funds just to keep it going. Just one man and his toolset.


To me, this is just what Big Society is all about, people doing their bit no matter how big or small and it doesn't have to be part of a voluntary organisation, but it can be. Not expecting the council to come out and cut small pieces of communal grass and pick up the litter, people in the community going out themselves with a lawnmower, and doing a litter pick themselves etc etc.


When I lived up at High Green, there was a group called Friends of Charlton Brook that clean up the Brook area, cutting back vegetation, picking litter etc. Just local people coming together to making something nice and keep it nice. Big Society in action!

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To me, this is just what Big Society is all about, people doing their bit no matter how big or small and it doesn't have to be part of a voluntary organisation, but it can be. Not expecting the council to come out and cut small pieces of communal grass and pick up the litter, people in the community going out themselves with a lawnmower, and doing a litter pick themselves etc etc.


Sounds like communism to me and that's from a political party that detests communism ... sounds hypocritical.


Are you suggesting we make people unemployed by making people to "volunteer" to do the job they once had?

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Big Society in action!




Nobody asked for Mr Rimmer to go out fixing public furniture and he wasn't part of a voluntary organisation requiring any public funds just to keep it going. Just one man and his toolset.


To me, this is just what Big Society is all about, people doing their bit no matter how big or small and it doesn't have to be part of a voluntary organisation, but it can be. Not expecting the council to come out and cut small pieces of communal grass and pick up the litter, people in the community going out themselves with a lawnmower, and doing a litter pick themselves etc etc.


When I lived up at High Green, there was a group called Friends of Charlton Brook that clean up the Brook area, cutting back vegetation, picking litter etc. Just local people coming together to making something nice and keep it nice. Big Society in action!



Pretty much like people have always done you mean, without having to be told to by wealthy Tories?

Locally we have Friends of Porter Valley, Friends of Botanical Gardens + many others.

Maybe soon we will have Friends of the Hallamshire Hospital where when people have got a couple of hours on their hands, can go in and perform an operation!

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Pretty much like people have always done you mean, without having to be told to by wealthy Tories?

Locally we have Friends of Porter Valley, Friends of Botanical Gardens + many others.

Maybe soon we will have Friends of the Hallamshire Hospital where when people have got a couple of hours on their hands, can go in and perform an operation!

There already is friends of Hallamshire Hospital. Who do you think runs the RWVS?
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Pretty much like people have always done you mean, without having to be told to by wealthy Tories?

Locally we have Friends of Porter Valley, Friends of Botanical Gardens + many others.

Maybe soon we will have Friends of the Hallamshire Hospital where when people have got a couple of hours on their hands, can go in and perform an operation!


Sounds like you have a problem with people who have money... what about all those Labour supporters and MP's who have loads a money?

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