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David cameron - big society

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Although I dont normally read The Telegraph, I think this article gets to the core of what his Big Society is. Its just that its not branded correctly.





It has nothing to do with a silly name, it's the fact that people can see through it for what it really is.

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Although I dont normally read The Telegraph, I think this article gets to the core of what his Big Society is. Its just that its not branded correctly.



Branding is irrelevant. There are too many dots that aren't joined for it to make sense
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It has nothing to do with a silly name, it's the fact that people can see through it for what it really is.


Funny. I think that most people in principle agree with the idea. Many just dont understand how it is going to work in practice, but most are willing to see how it works before they give it the thumbs down.i.e. take the balanced view.


There are many hard working volunteers already in our communities and they all volunteer for many different reasons.Sometimes it is for their own benefit. Sometimes it is to give something back to society.This country would hard pressed right now if all our volunteers hung up their boots. We just need a lot more of them to join in!

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what dots do you need to be joined.?
Libraries are big at the moment so lets use that as an example.


The village library is going to close. The council has to make savings/cuts and the library has to go because theres no money.


The big society takes over and the library can now be run by civilians. The civilians decide they will run the library.


Where does the money come from? Libraries are non profit making social institutions. If the monies not there for the council to run it where does it come from for civilians to run it?

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Libraries are big at the moment so lets use that as an example.


The village library is going to close. The council has to make savings/cuts and the library has to go because theres no money.


The big society takes over and the library can now be run by civilians. The civilians decide they will run the library.


Where does the money come from? Libraries are non profit making social institutions. If the monies not there for the council to run it where does it come from for civilians to run it?


Indeed. And many people who are protesting at the cuts to services such as libraries claim that they are part of the big society i.e. coming together to defend public services.

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I think what Cameron wants to envoke is more community spirit and get people to take some pride in their surroundings and help other people. I can not possibly see how anybody, even Labour supports, could spin this into being something bad.

I said it earlier, but it isn't something bad. The problem is that in the hands of politicians the message becomes no more than empty rhetoric. Like Eric Pickles telling people to eat healthy; the message is all fine and well, but look who it is coming from. I'm sure Cameron is sincere, and I'm sure he'd love it to work, but on the back of cuts then it is a political issue. That is the nature of Cameron's problem, not people spinning it to make it sound bad.

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According to another post the Mayfield Valley Educational Centre is closing yet a lot of people think it is a valuable and needed educational resource.


A chance for Dave's Big Society to swing into action perhaps?


But where do you start? Anybody got any ideas?


Still no takers with some advice?

Where are the advocates of the Big Society when you need them?

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