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David cameron - big society

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:o SOVA is closing? that's bad. they do some brilliant work."


Specifically it's the contract with the Youth Offending Service that's going. They do other projects, but who knows how vulnerable they may be?


I'm considering volunteering with The Prince's Trust. A bit too "establishment" for my political leanings, but they do good work and that's what I'll focus on.

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Specifically it's the contract with the Youth Offending Service that's going. They do other projects, but who knows how vulnerable they may be?


I'm considering volunteering with The Prince's Trust. A bit too "establishment" for my political leanings, but they do good work and that's what I'll focus on.


cut mentoring to young offenders or kids at risk of exclusion or expulsion, then complain down the line.:loopy: the cons are mad. working with refugees doing drama etc at the moment, but my passion has always been youth offenders and the like. tried YASA, they not taking people at the moment. i think coz they don't know if they'll survive too. might look into the prince's trust. i do get what you mean with the 'establishment' thing though.

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Hmmm indeed.


I'm shortly to be an ex volunteer with SOVA (Supporting Others through Voluntary Action) ...


I regret to inform you our contract to provide a mentoring service to Sheffield YOS will end on March 31. I have been informed the decision to discontinue the service has been taken because of the recent cuts in funding for local authorities and is in no way a reflection on the efforts and commitment of staff and volunteers involved with the mentoring scheme over the past six years.


Now if only I had the time not just to mentor a young person, but to set up an alternative organisation, pitch for the contract with YOS, provide training, recruit other volunteers etc.


It's not going to happen is it?


And I suspect a lot of other current activities, which could be considered to be "Big Society" in nature will also cease.


Voluntary organisations may depend upon people giving their time for free, but to exist as organisations they need resources. Money. Without that Cameron's ideas of "Big Society" are doomed.


Camerons "big society" is just a smoke screen to try and cover up the fact that his cuts in funding will leave gaping holes in public services. Just like he runs round blaming labour for the same cuts whilst doing his best to ensure that his well off friends remain that way at the expense of the rest of us. Ever tory government does the same, tory cuts aren't something new.

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