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David cameron - big society

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Charities don't take money out of my earnings though, or wage illegal wars on my behalf. There isn't a comparison to be made between being an MP and running a charity.


Most of your issues seem to stem from the actions and consequences of the previous Labour Government!


And, yes there is a valid comparison between our Government and a charity! :huh:

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Most of your issues seem to stem from the actions and consequences of the previous Labour Government!

I'm not partisan. Good and bad in all things. Conservatives are not wholly evil, and Labour are not wholly good. I'd see the same problems if Blair was making a child go to a run down school while preaching about 'Big Society'.

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I'm not partisan. Good and bad in all things. Conservatives are not wholly evil, and Labour are not wholly good. I'd see the same problems if Blair was making a child go to a run down school while preaching about 'Big Society'.


Well you've just blamed Cameron for something Blair did? :huh:




I don't believe that to be true. If we have money for bombs then we have money for books.
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:huh: What are you on about?


Your reply, do you know what your answering?


Although David Cameron denies it, the Big Society is because he wants the state to withdraw & take a back seat.



Oh, I see, it's nothing to do with the fact we are broke? (Sarcasm!)


Nope, more to do with that it fit's in conveniently with the Cons idealogy of a small state.


So you won't be using that old chestnut any more! Good!



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