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When do you tip?


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Claret has made a very good point. On the flip side, I often get chased around to be given money. People don't like leaving it on the table incase it gets swiped. I'm never offended, its received very well indeed :)


Think I need to get over it then!


I very rarely eat in places where this situation would arise, but next time I'll offer to buy the waiter/ress a drink and give them the tip. That deals with the awkward money issue!

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Definitely not suggesting anyone should ever tip in advance of being served. But if you paid in advance for your meal, would that in itself stop anyone leaving a quid or so on the table at the end?



EDIT: Ah, just read Claret's post. That answers that then :)


It'd stop me. And I usually add around 10% if paying at the end of a meal (rounded up or down to the nearest £).

I don't tip if the service is bad.

Well, I've left 1p sarcastically on occasion.

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I have commented on this many times before! But will still add my bit.....


I am not sure how true it is but I had heard TIPS came from the acronym To Insure Proper Service and originally came at the beginning of a meal to do just that.


I fully believe in tipping having had a job that previously relied on it. Waiters/Waitresses soon make a lot more effort when your enjoyment is linked to their pay, as opposed to the often 'I don't care, I still get paid' attitude.


Depending on my mood I have done it before, but next time you are out if you think your bill is going to be £50 give the waitress a fiver as soon as you sit down and see how much more attentive they are, this also works when buying bartenders a drink on your first round. Fully worth it for the added service it brings.

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Ha, good question! I think it's an awkward thing for a lot of Brits if it's not an obvious tipping-kind-of-place (if that makes sense!) whereas in somewhere like the US it's just teh done thing. Not too sure in what way you can make people start tipping though, I generally think if it's a sit down meal in a restaraunt (not a pub lunch) then I'll tip. Unless the waiter/waitress is particularly unpleasant then the type of service doesn't make a massive different to the amount

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