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Labour share of vote up to 45%, now bigger than ConDems share put together!

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Labour's lead in the opinion polls has been growing steadily over the last few months to such an extent that their current share of the vote now stands at 45%, more than that of the Cons 35% and their partners the Libs on 9% put together.


Given that the ConDems public service cuts have yet to kick-in with GDP falling and the already extremely fragile nature of the ConDems 'partnership' Will the coalition be strong enough to survive the coming storm?




YouGov have 10 point Labour lead

12 Feb 2011

YouGov’s weekly poll for the Sunday Times has topline figures of CON 35%, LAB 45%, LDEM 9%. This is the biggest Labour lead YouGov have shown since the election and makes them the third company to give Labour a double point lead after Ipsos MORI and Angus Reid.


Of course, I’ll add my usual caveat about any voting intention poll showing anything interesting, it may just be a blip or sample error. In the last week or so YouGov have been showing Labour with a lead of around about 7 points, this may be an outlier and we’ll be back to usual on Monday, or it could be the start of a further lengthening of the lead.

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Labour's lead in the opinion polls has been growing steadily over the last few months to such an extent that their current share of the vote now stands at 45%, more than that of the Cons 35% and their partners the Libs on 9% put together.


Given that the ConDems public service cuts have yet to kick-in with GDP falling and the already extremely fragile nature of the ConDems 'partnership' Will the coalition be strong enough to survive the coming storm?




YouGov have 10 point Labour lead

12 Feb 2011

YouGov’s weekly poll for the Sunday Times has topline figures of CON 35%, LAB 45%, LDEM 9%. This is the biggest Labour lead YouGov have shown since the election and makes them the third company to give Labour a double point lead after Ipsos MORI and Angus Reid.


Of course, I’ll add my usual caveat about any voting intention poll showing anything interesting, it may just be a blip or sample error. In the last week or so YouGov have been showing Labour with a lead of around about 7 points, this may be an outlier and we’ll be back to usual on Monday, or it could be the start of a further lengthening of the lead.

I should go and lie down for a while if I was you!.............. the whole thing is obviously driving you barmy! You could be heading for a breakdown!
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Why should stating published facts give someone a breakdown?
"Could" was the operative word!................but why are you asking me a question? you already know all about me as demonstrated in your previous posts!............so it does not surprise me to see you sticking your 4 penn'orth in again,.....as the Coalition is probably leading you to a breakdown as well as your friend Wednesday1.
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