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Sick of Sheffield


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I've been agoraphobic for awhile, I rarely go out.

When I do go out, the world seems to be far worse than the last time I went out, and going out is rarely a pleasant experience.

But today I made the effort and went out.


I was robbed for £190, I had to face my wife and tell her that we have no money for food.

Before people start saying, did you report it, no I didn't, a crime number won't feed my children.

Instead I have spent my time trying to recoup/borrow/beg for enough to get us by until we get paid again.


Why people feel the need to steal rather than getting a proper job is beyond me, if they were that desperate I would have halved our food money with them.

Instead they had to take it all.


I've lost all interest with the outside world and Sheffield in particular, it will never get any better, there are just too many cretins about.

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A 3 year veteran of the old aggi puts me in a place where i may be able to help.

Talk to me, on here or by pm.

I may be able to help :)


What would you be offering to help with?

Feeding my children I hope lol.

When I say I've been Agoraphobic for awhile, I mean 6-7 years, I've always been abit of a hermit but it got a little ott a long time ago.

Now I'm fully hermitised.

If your wanting to talk about my aggi then I'd have to say, I don't have a fear of open spaces or the outdoors in general as most people assume when you mention agoraphobia.

I have an underlying fear of hard surfaces (namely concrete) and face planting them, which prevents me from going out.

And then you have all the crap that comes with going out, it puts me off.


I'm currently visiting the shrinks and have accepted cbt etc, I am also in the mindset of getting out more, hence going out today.

I've been trying for the last few months to get out at least once a week, even if it's just an hour.

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And it might stop it happening again and leading to other people not being able to feed their children.


And would cost me another trip out to the police station to make a statement, a trip I don't really want to take.

About £4.50 in transport money I don't have.


It might indeed stop it happening again, I highly doubt it though, how many people have reported such crimes in the past, and the crimes continue regardless.

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I feel for you mate, but that's not because of Sheffield. You were just unlucky, it could have happened anywhere. If you really are struggling have you thought of getting in touch with the social for a crisis loan? If you report it as a crime they might be able to help.


Do you have no family who could help you out? Keep your chin up, life is s**t but we all have to soldier on.


Take care mate. xx

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