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Sick of Sheffield


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Why don't they start building small neighborhood police posts all over the city? That should change a lot of things for the good.




no that sounds to much like common sense ,which as had its use by date in sheffield .plus it would stop crime and put the police out of work:)

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I can recognise the truth, and the truth is that most of what you've said is a load of crap.


Please feel free to highlight the bits I've said that are crap m8.


You're right, I am entitled to my opinions, and as I said, your posts are extremely offensive.


Well if you knew anything about Aspergers syndrome m8, you'd know that people who suffer from it don't always take see in impoliteness in what they are saying.

In this case I think your just trying to find offence to backup your claim that my attitude causes offence to "plenty" of autistic people you know, because I've reread my posts and apart from the odd bit of frustration I can't see where I've insulted anyone other than you, and that was in retaliation to your onslaught.


It's also extremely irritating that you keep calling me "m8".


I don't really care if being called m8 irritates you, you are free to do what you wish with your time m8, you seriously don't have to sit there trying to do what exactly m8?


I mean what is it that you aim to achieve with your posts.

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where abouts in hillsborough did this happen?


It wasn't Hillsborough that was my mistake, it was foxhill, I just used to call all that area beyond walkey Hillsborough, mainly down to my own ignorance of the geography of that area which no doubt dave dave will be along any second to criticize.


Edit: sorry he already beat me to it, now he'll be along to tell me I should read his posts before posting no doubt.

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It wasn't Hillsborough that was my mistake, it was foxhill, I just used to call all that area beyond walkey Hillsborough, mainly down to my own ignorance of the geography of that area which no doubt dave dave will be along any second to criticize.


Edit: sorry he already beat me to it, now he'll be along to tell me I should read his posts before posting no doubt.


I won't, I'm bored of you now. Everytime you mention your disabilities you change your mind about what they are.

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It wasn't Hillsborough that was my mistake, it was foxhill, I just used to call all that area beyond walkey Hillsborough, mainly down to my own ignorance of the geography of that area which no doubt dave dave will be along any second to criticize.


Edit: sorry he already beat me to it, now he'll be along to tell me I should read his posts before posting no doubt.


Digsy mate, Don,t let m8 wind you up he has a downer on any one who is poorly or skint just don,t answer him.

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Digsy mate, Don,t let m8 wind you up he has a downer on any one who is poorly or skint just don,t answer him.


It's ok cuttsie, he hasn't got the power to wind me up or get me down, I take pleasure in feeding trolls and watching them frenzy.

I'm just having a larf with him cuttsie.

I know I should really start using smileys to erm whats the words I'm looking for, :help: people distinguish what frame of mind I'm in, it can be hard to distinguish from just words, but I'm not quite sure where I should put them most of the time, and when I do put them in places they seem to give the wrong impression anyway.

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I won't, I'm bored of you now. Everytime you mention your disabilities you change your mind about what they are.


No I don't as far as I'm aware my disabilities amount to aspergers syndrome which is part of the autistism spectrum disorder, possible epilepsy which I'm still undergoing medical treatment to find out and agoraphobia which stems from a fear of face planting solid surface (which stems from possible epilepsy, or panic attacks if the medication does not work) and hard of hearing, oh dear I find myself repeating myself again.

Because I've had 6-7 years indoors I also happen to have problems walking very far without pain or running short of breath, as you would expect from someone who's muscles haven't taken them much further than 30ft a few times a day.

I hope I've managed to clear that up for you.


dave dave, there are people on this forum that can backup some of my claims, I have paperwork to back up others, and some of my claims I'm afraid I can't back up at all you'll just have to take my word for it, or don't choice is yours.


No doubt it would be unwise for me to start spouting crap when I have no need to, there are people present on this forum who know me that will read this thread and no doubt tell me if I'm talking crap.

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