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Sick of Sheffield


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I feel for you mate, but that's not because of Sheffield. You were just unlucky, it could have happened anywhere. If you really are struggling have you thought of getting in touch with the social for a crisis loan? If you report it as a crime they might be able to help.


Do you have no family who could help you out? Keep your chin up, life is s**t but we all have to soldier on.


Take care mate. xx


:) its good to know some people on here have a heart i agree with u totally! :D

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Please feel free to highlight the bits I've said that are crap m8.




Well if you knew anything about Aspergers syndrome m8, you'd know that people who suffer from it don't always take see in impoliteness in what they are saying.

In this case I think your just trying to find offence to backup your claim that my attitude causes offence to "plenty" of autistic people you know, because I've reread my posts and apart from the odd bit of frustration I can't see where I've insulted anyone other than you, and that was in retaliation to your onslaught.




I don't really care if being called m8 irritates you, you are free to do what you wish with your time m8, you seriously don't have to sit there trying to do what exactly m8?


I mean what is it that you aim to achieve with your posts.



Isit me or is dave dave just going around harrasing people tonight, your not the only one digsy whos getting annoyed by this guy!!!! (me aswell):rant:


Stay strong digsy x

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That post says far, far more about you than it does about Sheffield...


As does any retort which attacks the poster rather than their opinion.


You could challenge Stephlloyd and ask them why they think that, and come up with arguments to prove they're wrong.


Or maybe they're right?

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Get a grip of yourself mate - its only concrete!!


ANd why were you walking about with £190 cash???


It's face planting any solid surface, that can include the bath, tables, kitchen sides, but the number one contender is definitely concrete, which is why I have a fear of going outside.

Firstly do you have any idea how hard it is to control your body when it's suffering from fear?

I can tell you now it's not always as simple a task as you might think.

And as for get a grip, I'll tell you what do me a favour, go outside and smash your face against it a few hundred times then come back to me and we'll talk about it.


I've already answered that question for you if you'd like to go back and read my earlier posts.

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