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Sick of Sheffield


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It must be a horrible situation but it is entirely selfish not to report this to the police. If there's a chance it could stop it happening to someone else, of course you should report it.


I agree that it should be reported but my question is Do you genuinely believe that it will help prevent it from happening to somebody else?

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I agree that it should be reported but my question is Do you genuinely believe that it will help prevent it from happening to somebody else?


It could do. I have, in the past reported crimes and people have been arrested for those crimes.

Of course not all criminals can be caught, but there's much more of a chance if crimes are reported.

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If it's never reported then the police have no chance do they.

If it was reported, even if the vehicle was stolen it might help to solve that crime. If a spate of incidences are reported then it might let the police monitor the area and catch someone in the act.

Maybe it would all come to naught, but if it's not reported, it's 100% guaranteed that they won't be caught isn't it!

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Like i said I agree that it should be reported but my question is Do you genuinely believe that it will help prevent it from happening to somebody else?

It may lead to the arrest and imprisonment of those who committed this robbery.

In this case I think there would be an excellent chance of the thieves being caught.

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