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What's the British/English Dream?

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there is no British dream. They're a pragmatic lot and don't believe in dreams.


the root of this is the founding fathers in the USA's decision to put into their constitution that everyone is entitled to 'the pursuit of happiness', which can seem rather silly to a lot of the world's other people.

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Isn't the American Dream essentially about escaping poverty and hopelessness?


America has attracted those from around the world who were in dire situations and refused to accept it. Irish, Italians, Mexicans ... who else?


The British don't seem to have a dream because we don't have extreme poverty or persecution to escape from.


We have the freedom to do what we want and choose to do very little.


We're not in sufficient pain to make the effort to change things for the better on our own ... and we're not inspired by our leaders to raise our game, reconnect with hope and rebuild our sense of identity and connection with bigger ideals.


I mean - "The Big Society"! Ha! Cameron's big idea! :hihi: Where's his "I have a dream" speech to back it up?


Bring me my bow of burning gold

Bring me my arrows of desire

Bring me my spears o'clouds unfold

Bring me my chariot of fire


I will not cease from mental fight

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

'Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land


... on second thoughts I think I'll crack open a can on a Tuesday night and watch some crap TV on my flatscreen sitting on my latest aquisition from sofa world ... live the dream!

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level of political freedom in Britain is exemplary and the nation-building just gradually developed, there was no key moment when a bunch of guys had to sit down and invent a nation.


different countries have different 'dreams'. Not a few of them is to get the hell out of their country as soon as possible, and preferably go to the United States.

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