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Help with needy boyfriend

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I had The Chat, it ended in an argument with him insulting everything in my life, basically telling me all my future plans are ridiculous and my motivations for what I want to achieve (which is to work my ass off now, to gain financial stability for my family in the future), are SELFISH :loopy: and is alienating me from everyone. When I asked him to specify who "EVERYONE" is he said "well....me." He wanted me to drop everything in my life, quit my job, move out of Sheffield and away from my family and friends, become totally financially dependant on him and start making babies. :roll: And I'M the selfish one!


Anyhow, that was over 2 weeks ago and surprisingly he hasn't bothered me since then. :clap:


Well done you!!!


What a lucky escape you've had. I once worked with someone in a similar situation to you, but she was unlucky enough to end up living in Ireland, with his family, and with a child.


When she did manage to break away, he came after her and used moral blackmail (children need dads) and swore he'd change, so she agreed to giving it another go. He immediately reverted to trying to totally control her life and made her life hell with harassment when she made the final break.


She said she wished she'd managed to leave him earlier, when he first showed signs of controlling behaviour, so you've definitely done the right thing.

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