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Sad old gits thread..

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Eyup F.R.


Ahm just back from Benidorm,lovely digs.


Me an missus brought the average age down to 87,the lounge stank like a conga line at the incontinence clinic,but they always went round with a flit spray before serving the meals,it's little touches like that that make it that bit special don't you think?


We've booked again for March.

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Just bought one o' them theer new fangled weshin' machines. Bloody useless it is. I'll be ringing Curry's up int' mornin'. Silly buggers've sent me one wi'out any bloody watter in it. :roll:


You can't beat a dolly tub and washboard, no sir.


You're treating your wimmin well. My OH sends me down to the river to beat his shirts on the stones on the river bank.

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