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Teaching to hate!

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The difference between the catholic padophile ring and this style of teaching is the church was complicit but not activly involved with the sex crimes.

Here we have a method of teaching that is used every day in every lesson until the children learn what they should.

To hate.

Both very wrong but both very different.


You miss my point Jew Boy, if the environment in which children are taught in is properly supervised then the opportunity for abuses and indoctrinating hatred is reduced.

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If it's as widespread as you claim, how come a two-year investigation only came up with two examples?


The programme finished off saying after 2 years there is violence and hate being preached behind the doors of some 2000 Muslim schools but if anything they proved the opposite.


In 2 years they only managed to film one very elderly man running a class and using a bit of excessive force on his pupils.


A (white, British) teacher attacked a pupil with a dumbbell in school last year, it happens and can't be stopped.


In 2 years they only managed to film one mosque were a few lines were preached by a young student and some foreign imam.


Once again, when it comes to muslims your prejudice shines through.


Go to the cops with your "evidence" then come back and tell us how you got on. :hihi:


It's pointless trying to get through to your brainwashed mind!


Why is it prejudice when I agree it's wrong whoever does it.


It's prejudice when you defend Islamic extremists as if their normal Muslims!


I now bet you report this thread in a bid to get it closed, that's your usual trick at this point.

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You miss my point Jew Boy, if the environment in which children are taught in is properly supervised then the opportunity for abuses and indoctrinating hatred is reduced.


I didnt miss your point i mearly feel the two are so disimilar they dont warrent comparrison. :)

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No scuba, it's the epitome of how the monitoring of part time schools has failed, after all you wouldnt suggest the apparently systematic abuse of Catholic children under the care of priests was the epitome of anything failing other than the system which is supposed to supervise them.


It's not just the abuse BF, it's what they are being taught, to hate the rest of society that they are being brought up in. I cannot and will not believe that the parents sending their kids to these schools do not know that this hatred is being taught.


When I pick my lad up from school, after asking if he's had a good day, the next question is what he's been doing and what they've been learning today. At the moment it's dinosaurs. I know this, because I asked, and my 5 year old told me. If, having posed those questions to my son, he replied that "Hindus have no intellect and drink cow ****", or that "Jews are pigs", I'd be mightily disturbed.


I find any suggestion that, of all the pupils attending, and of all the parents of all those pupils, none of them knew what was being taught, quite nauseating.

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How much time and expense would it take to investigate 2000 schools of this brand of extremist Islam.


Probably far more than was available otherwise i think it would have been a far greater number than just 2.

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I find any suggestion that, of all the pupils attending, and of all the parents of all those pupils, none of them knew what was being taught, quite nauseating.


Perhaps it would have been better if you'd watched the programme properly?


It was complaints from muslim parents that prompted the investigation, as someone's already pointed out in this thread.

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