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Teaching to hate!

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I could report you for these lies, I'm giving you a chance to show me where I've defended extremism, ever, first.


Seventh time.


Please. Cease these attempts to make things personal and get the thread closed.

Debate is healthy and should be encouraged.


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Claiming dishonestly that I've ever defended extremism is personal. It's what spooky does when all other arguments fail.


I think spooky was more meaning you dont go out of your way to condem it.

Reading between the lines thats what i got.


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Perhaps it would have been better if you'd watched the programme properly?


It was complaints from muslim parents that prompted the investigation, as someone's already pointed out in this thread.


I'm aware of that. That doesn't mean parents would not have been aware of what was being taught before it was exposed by Channel 4.

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You asked for evidence even, I gave it you and you got the thread closed as usual!


I explained that oppressed and brutalised people sometimes turn to terrorism.


This is not excusing terrorism any more than pointing out that petrol is flammable is excusing arson.


That's why you've avoided providing the evidence yet again, because you have none.


Apology accepted.


Stop lying about what people have said and then hastily back tracking when your dishonesty is exposed.

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