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Teaching to hate!

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It's not just the abuse BF, it's what they are being taught, to hate the rest of society that they are being brought up in. I cannot and will not believe that the parents sending their kids to these schools do not know that this hatred is being taught.


When I pick my lad up from school, after asking if he's had a good day, the next question is what he's been doing and what they've been learning today. At the moment it's dinosaurs. I know this, because I asked, and my 5 year old told me. If, having posed those questions to my son, he replied that "Hindus have no intellect and drink cow ****", I'd be mightily disturbed.


I find any suggestion that, of all the pupils attending, and of all the parents of all those pupils, none of them knew what was being taught, quite nauseating.


To be fair I didnt see the documentary so cant comment specifically on what was covered. Most Muslim schools here are like our equivalent of Sunday schools in that attendance is part time, so these kids are taught in main stream secular schools too, so at least have the opportunity to see how others live and what is and isn't acceptable. If what is being said on this thread is true, then the respective imams should get their arses kicked and thrown into prison.


Personally, I'm not a fan of faith schools of any denomination, but I wouldnt ban them either since they mean a great deal to people who send their kids to them. However because of their nature there will always be the temptation to indoctrinate, which is why I believe they should be supervised more closely than secular schools, preferably by an atheist ;)

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I explained that oppressed and brutalised people sometimes turn to terrorism.


This is not excusing terrorism any more than pointing out that petrol is flammable is excusing arson.


That's why you've avoided providing the evidence yet again, because you have none.


Apology accepted.


Stop lying about what people have said and then hastily back tracking when your dishonesty is exposed.


Why do you go off deranged like this. I've told you where the information came from... (The Dispatches program! Fourth time now!), yet your just taking pot shots at ridiculing me to win your argument, and you wonder why I have to prove you of condoning extremism and terrorism? Your technically doing again by using this cheap tactic of denial!

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Revolting and sickening as the thing was, saying 'we knew it, it's everywhere.' is irresponsible. The programme was made by a Muslim, who was incensed by what was going on. Rightly so. As I'm sure many others are. Curriculums are open to interpretation and abuse. Just because a teacher gets 'guidelines' that are the same as 2000 others don't mean he's gonna teach the same as the others.

They were caught, some have been prosecuted, some will be and now that it's known we remain vigilant. Job done.

Like we did with the catholic schools.

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Why do you go off deranged like this. I've told you where the information came from... (The Dispatches program! Fourth time now!), yet your just taking pot shots at ridiculing me to win your argument, and you wonder why I have to prove you of condoning extremism and terrorism? Your technically doing again by using this cheap tactic of denial!


Let's make this dead simple.


When have I defended extremism?


Copy my words here and stop avoiding a straight answer.


Here's a clue, saying the problem does not seem to be widespread or particularly worse than other anachronistic faith schools is defending nothing, it's merely pointing out that your hysterical claim the behaviour occurs in all 2000 schools is hysterical hyperbole.

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Let's make this dead simple.


When have I defended extremism?


Copy my words here and stop avoiding a straight answer.


Here's a clue, saying the problem does not seem to be widespread or particularly worse than other anachronistic faith schools is defending nothing, it's merely pointing out that your hysterical claim the behaviour occurs in all 2000 schools is hysterical hyperbole.


5th time, i've told you where the figures came from!

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5th time, i've told you where the figures came from!


So you can't say where I have ever defended extremism.


You specifically claimed that the programme stated such practises were widespread.


This is not true. In fact the programme cited another, progressive and liberal approach at another Islamic school:



Academic and theologian Dr Taj Hargey invited me to visit his part-time Islamic school in Oxford where children are taught in mixed gender classes. Here I witnessed a modern and refreshing method of teaching. Pupils were told to respect other faiths, ask questions about their religion and recite from the Koran in English as well as Arabic.


Dr Hargey told me he set up this school because of claims that Muslim parents had made to him about beatings in other madrassas.


'It's an out-dated archaic concept,' he says, 'and if we inflict this violence we will sow the seeds of violence in them.'





The exact opposite of what you claimed.


The programme did not say such practises took place in all 2000 schools, it even went out of its way to demonstrate mainstream Islamic teaching condemns such practises.


What you are claiming is not true.

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So you can't say where I have ever defended extremism.


You specifically claimed that the programme stated such practises were widespread.


This is not true. In fact the programme cited another, progressive and liberal approach at another Islamic school:



Academic and theologian Dr Taj Hargey invited me to visit his part-time Islamic school in Oxford where children are taught in mixed gender classes. Here I witnessed a modern and refreshing method of teaching. Pupils were told to respect other faiths, ask questions about their religion and recite from the Koran in English as well as Arabic.


Dr Hargey told me he set up this school because of claims that Muslim parents had made to him about beatings in other madrassas.


'It's an out-dated archaic concept,' he says, 'and if we inflict this violence we will sow the seeds of violence in them.'





The exact opposite of what you claimed.


The programme did not say such practises took place in all 2000 schools, it even went out of its way to demonstrate mainstream Islamic teaching condemns such practises.


What you are claiming is not true.


If you actually cared to watch the programme you would know that that bloke was used to condemn the undercover videos!


He is a very nice bloke who is on numerous programmes such as The Big Question. I like him!



Now stop being silly and covering the truth with your twisted lies!

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it even went out of its way to demonstrate mainstream Islamic teaching condemns such practises.


What you are claiming is not true.


Yes, it did, but it also highlighted where it was bad, it seems your denying anything bad was said in this programme! :loopy:

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