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Blue coats school psalters lane


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My Dad who passed away a few years ago would tell me about the blue coat orphanage school he went to as a boy in the 1930s he pointed the building out to me once some time ago it looks like some kind of college at the moment . does any one know about it or any one went there my dad said it was the making of him .

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Bluecoat Schools were a national movement - I believe for boys of poorer backgrounds - they were created to give them an education and viable trade- to set them up for life . Bluecoat Schools also existed in Liverpool , Manchester and Birmingham. Thank God the building on Psalter Lane was listed and hasnt been knocked down - like the unfortunate art College which was a great institution - the current re-incarnation at Pond St is a poor substitute!

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I remember before WW2,I used to pass the Blue coat school on my bike on the way to work at Bents Green,and would greatly admire the look of the school, and particularly the wonderfully tended lawns,they were absolutely meticulous. Then came the war,and the Army commandeered the school and grounds. I watched in horror as heavy army vehicles churned up those lawns,and every day it seemed to get worse,so I did'nt look after that.

Afterwards,I went into the forces,so don't know what happened afterwards. Did it revert back to the school after the war? And today,what is it's function now? I hope the lawns are back to their pre war glory.

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Well its had a good inings as home to one of the best Art Colleges in the country - even Nick Parks originator of Wallace and Grommitt was educated there!


Then the powers that be decided to knock down the Art College ( built around the Blue Coats School in the erly 50's) and pack it off to Ponds St where its been absorbed into Hallam without trace - BUT the good news is that the old Bluecoats School building is still standing and waiting for iresidential nvestment . It looks very grand on the hill - but sadly the lawns have gone.Sorry Blitzer!

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