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Cherry Bank Road


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Hi, I'm brand new to this forum but have read some of the posts with great interest. My late mother was born in Copley Street and her Grandfather, my G.Grandfather lived at No 4 Cherry Bank Road. In 1991, just two months before my mother died I took her back to Sheffield, her first visit for over 40 years, as she wished to see some of her old haunts, schools, workplaces and houses etc. Copley Street had gone by then so I took her to Norton Cemetery to see her fathers grave and then down to Cherry Bank Road to see No 4. She said that there had been two large houses at the end, or maybe they were two pairs. The end one which I believe was No 4 had been demolished but the other house was still standing and an old chap came out of it to speak with us. Lo and behold it transpires that he remembered my G. Grandfather and spoke fondly of him and had many memories that he recalled to my mum. Considering that her grandfather died in 1926 this was a great thing for my mother and I am so glad that I took her back as she was delighted. I have since looked at google earth and google street view and it appears that his house has also now been demolished.

Has anyone any memories of these two houses that over-looked Chantrey Road and better still does anyone have any photographs of them? I have checked Sheffield Photographs on line and there is nothing at all.

I will eagerly scan this forum hoping that someone can connect.


Stuart Smith

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Hi, I'm brand new to this forum but have read some of the posts with great interest. My late mother was born in Copley Street and her Grandfather, my G.Grandfather lived at No 4 Cherry Bank Road. I have since looked at google earth and google street view and it appears that his house has also now been demolished.

Has anyone any memories of these two houses that over-looked Chantrey Road and better still does anyone have any photographs of them? I have checked Sheffield Photographs on line and there is nothing at all.

I will eagerly scan this forum hoping that someone can connect.


Stuart Smith


Welcome to the forum. Can't say I remember the houses in question, although I must have gone past them hundreds of times. It's best part of thirty years since I was in those parts. My grandparents are buried in the same cemetary & we always used to use the path from Cherry Bank Rd to cut down to Woodseats. One of these days (a common phrase of mine) I'm going to sort though all my fathers old slides & if I find anything I will let you know. He saw Sheffield changing and, being a keen photographer, took hundreds of pix of Sheffield as he remembered it.

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  • 1 year later...

My grandfather,nan, three uncles and an auntie lived on Cherrybank in the same house, it was on the right, you had to go down steep steps to it.

During those days the road was unadopted and it was very muddy during the winter.

Unfortunately they are all long gone, the house has been demolished, pity, it was a large house with an orchard, they also kept chickens.

I lived on Olivet Road, all my relatives would come out and stand at the wall, we could see them from Olivet.

The last persons living in the house were my auntie Violet and uncle Joe Foster, they left in the late seventies and moved down to Woodseats.

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