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Army parade protesters lose appeal

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don't worry about where the posts are or if you meant it or not. the point is you 'look' like you are antisemitic. and, this being a forum, and you're looking to interact, perhaps best to to keep it so people actually listen to what you're saying as opposed to calling you a nut coz you say it like a nut.


i feel most of the sentiment of the things you say sometimes, and have said as much in the past. but all the good points and valid points you do make just get lost in the hubris and buffoonery.


we all have things we're passion about things, but when your only medium is words you need to choose them wisely.

Seriously considering slapping own wrists:( I know what you mean, but I also know what I am being accused of is from perspective of hate for myself and people who say anything in favour of Muslims by Islam haters, as questions wouldn't have been asked if it was said by some one else........and So the reaction.
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Shame is these protesters will more than probably mount an appeal because they are small minded and just want to waste taxpayers money for their own bigoted extremist propaganda!
Unbelievable Spooky posts something I actually agree with, well done...........no 'enemy within' statement then?;)
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Thank you confirming it sir, I am much obliged to you. I am surprised at Jew Boy finding the question to be an insult though.


Your previous IDF comments and they racist undertone you used is what has caused the offence as you well know.

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Seriously considering slapping own wrists:( I know what you mean, but I also know what I am being accused of is from perspective of hate for myself and people who say anything in favour of Muslims by Islam haters, as questions wouldn't have been asked if it was said by some one else........and So the reaction.


i think you're right about that. very much so. but attacking them just makes you like the very people you're accusing. if you did engage with them, though, they might give you insight on why they feel the way they feel. you might be able to allay their fears, or, at least understand.

lecture done.:hihi: sorry about that.

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In general terms it's factually correct but I accept it isn't a water tight statement but we were talking generalities when this spooky guy just jumped in and with accusations. My understanding is that every Jewish person has a right to citizenship which is a right denied to people of that land simply on basis of religion. The IDF is the army for the protection of the Jewish state on behalf of the citizens of that nation. Jews living in occupied territories are accorded protection not in terms of keeping the peace in Arab communities but are given protection regardless of whatever they do to their neighbouring Arabs.


The problem is that there's a gulf of difference between technical entitlement to something and taking it up. A British Jew who has never been to Israel let alone has any intention of setting up in the shack on a hillside in the west bank and taking potshots at the local arabs can't be held accountable for what goes on in the territories. It's a tactic the far right have used for ages, Jews are only loyal to Israel so can't be loyal Brits, Muslims are loyal to the ummah so can't be loyal Brits, Hindus are loyal to India so can't be loyal Brits etc etc. I'm sure your intention was not antisemitic, it's just that the confusing of entitlement with actual citizenship has been used by antisemites a lot.


To put it into context if the King of Bahrain offered citizenship and $1,000,000 to anyone from Sheffield prepared to move there tommorow and get stuck into the protestors while we would both be eligible for it we could hardly be blamed for it unless we actually took up the offer.

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Your previous IDF comments and they racist undertone you used is what has caused the offence as you well know.
As I have said many a time, it was meant as an ironic light hearted quip just because of your username and no undertones intended. I apologise if it caused hurt as none was intended. It has pointed out differences in what I said and the level of animosity Muslims are expected to put up with regularly from the very same posters who complained about what I said. Maybe that is the reason I took an aggressive stand against them rather than any anti Jewish perspective. You will find I was trying and perhaps failing to keep factual rather than the regular 'oh they control the world BS, hope you understand.
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The problem is that there's a gulf of difference between technical entitlement to something and taking it up. A British Jew who has never been to Israel let alone has any intention of setting up in the shack on a hillside in the west bank and taking potshots at the local arabs can't be held accountable for what goes on in the territories. It's a tactic the far right have used for ages, Jews are only loyal to Israel so can't be loyal Brits, Muslims are loyal to the ummah so can't be loyal Brits, Hindus are loyal to India so can't be loyal Brits etc etc. I'm sure your intention was not antisemitic, it's just that the confusing of entitlement with actual citizenship has been used by antisemites a lot.


To put it into context if the King of Bahrain offered citizenship and $1,000,000 to anyone from Sheffield prepared to move there tommorow and get stuck into the protestors while we would both be eligible for it we could hardly be blamed for it unless we actually took up the offer.

Point taken.


(On the other hand you do raise an interesting point about Bahrain though as most of their Army is made up of foreigners mainly from Pakistan and such like who have had no qualms about shooting the protesters:roll:)

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Point taken.


(On the other hand you do raise an interesting point about Bahrain though as most of their Army is made up of foreigners mainly from Pakistan and such like who have had no qualms about shooting the protesters:roll:)


Yes, I heard this on the news the other night. Seems the Royal familly is sunni and most of the locals are shiites and they don't trust them enough to let themin the police or army so they import other sunnis for the police and the army. Nice level of trust and cooperation between ruler and ruled!

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As I have said many a time, it was meant as an ironic light hearted quip just because of your username and no undertones intended. I apologise if it caused hurt as none was intended. It has pointed out differences in what I said and the level of animosity Muslims are expected to put up with regularly from the very same posters who complained about what I said. Maybe that is the reason I took an aggressive stand against them rather than any anti Jewish perspective. You will find I was trying and perhaps failing to keep factual rather than the regular 'oh they control the world BS, hope you understand.


Im happy to accept your gracious appology and explanation. I in turn appologise for my hastey reaction.

Peace and love to you :)

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Don't flap about with verbal gymnastics fela, there was no pouring scorn but a simple light hearted question, you can make of it what you wish. I did point out how ironic it is when many a time all generalisations are being posted about Muslims here in the UK, even the British Muslims as being referred to by idiots as the enemy within, but no such defence from you then. We often see you joining in the vitriol poured against the Muslims, but now all of a sudden you accuse me of anti Jewish sentiment for posting a fact. The Israeli army is the only army that can be regarded as an army created for defence of a religious group of people, namely the Jews and my point was that there is no such Muslim army to speak of yet we have accusations of such many a time on here.:roll:

........but has it not occured to you that Muslims can also be British, and support Britsh troops?


My bold (1) Do Islamic states not have armies? If so, why should a Jewish state not have an army?


My bold (2) Of course that has occured to me, and I have never suggested that Muslims can't be British or vice versa, but our exchange has been because of you seemingly to suggest that a Jewish person could not support British troops, not because anybody has suggested that Muslims can't, though I'm happy to take your word that it was meant in jest or whatever. :)

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