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Horse Poo ,what do you do.

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We live in suburban area with stables relatively close. Horse poo is a common problem here, not just on roads but paths as well. Across the road there has been a huge pile of the stuff which has taken months to disappear over the winter. If it was outside my own home I'd have hosed it away.


Horse poo can contain harmful bacteria too. Simply because horses eat vegetation does not mean that anything which passes through their stomach and digestive system as a whole can't pick up bacteria along the way. See link for more info - I've copied and pasted the relevant section below it-




acteria and Other Pathogens in Manure: Horse manure contains bacteria and other pathogens that can be harmful to horses as well as humans. Parasitic roundworms, such as strongyles, are potential health problems for horses that ingest them. Pathogens such as Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp. and Clostridium tetani can be present in horse manure and are pathogenic to humans. Protozoan pathogens such as Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. can be found in horse manure and are known to cause waterborne human disease.

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Whereas, horse poo is not dangerous at all because they mainly eat grass and vegetation.


If it can kill grass it can't be that good.


If the horse is on any kind of medication that can be passed straight through into the manure.


Just because you don't think its dangerous doesn't give riders an automatic excuse to leave it there. Urine has certain positive properties but it doesn't mean its right to just pee anywhere. Apple cores break down, perhaps you wouldn't mind if we just threw them all onto your garden?

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Where i live there are horse stables about 500yards down the road.Now i know there is a lot of controversy regarding dog poo, but the road outside the stables and sometimes the road that leads up to my house and onto the countryside gets covered in horse poo , It's not much fun when you drive over the stuff when the roads are wet and in the summer it bakes on to the road, come on horse people clear it up please.


From the sound of it you live in the countryside, horse manure comes with the territory .. its organic, meat free and good for the garden. I wish I had a steady supply for my garden

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