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Found 40 euros..

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Unfortunately, no.


I've just put a house in the US on the market. I paid $238,000 (£119,000) for it in Jan 2007. House prices have fallen and it's now only worth $215,000.


The price has dropped from £119,000 to £133,540.


My house in Germany cost €300,000 (£204,000). House prices in Germany are fairly static, so it's now worth the €300,000 I paid for it. Or in English money, £253,000.


'Sound as a Pound'?


If - as some people on this forum seem to hope - there is massive civil unrest once the government's proposed cuts really begin to bite next year and if that unrest should topple the government and if Milli Young Un should get into power and if he should reverse all the cuts made by the present government [that latter being far from certain ... he wasn't willing to commit hmself when he was questioned about the student fee increases], what do you think that will do to the value of the Pound?

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