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Good news! Forests plan dropped.

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Would it really be that bad for some forests to be privately owned?


A large number of forests are already in private hands. However, the forests we do own fall into the rare category of non-hemoraging-money Government areas, able to pay for the majority of their work by selling wood that they grow in the forests, therefore the Government must sell it off to the highest bidder to increase the amount of money the private sector makes.


And people say Labour were obsessed with selling the nation's assets. This lot are trying to sell stuff which is not only tied down, but has been in the same place for hundreds of years.

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you dont think it might have been a bit of conservative spin, you know bad news on the monday, good news on the friday - to make the public think what a great government we have


is what i thought too. it's an old trick-you tell a kid you want them to do something you don't really want them to do and you know they're not gonna want to do anyway. they protest. you push a bit, then give in. then when you ask them to do what you really want you can always say 'well, i listened last time but this needs to be done.'


after they've 'listened to consultations this time' they can push in a raft of stuff they really wanted in the first place and say 'we do listen, but...'

then again, it must just be i don't trust them.:suspect::suspect:

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I remember when the Forestry Commission was planting pine forests everywhere in the 1960s and everyone was bitching about it.


How times change...


I think far more people are aware of the importance of woodland now - or at least they can express themselves more readily.

Exclusively evergreen plantations are fairly poor ecology wise, that hasn't changed.

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Caroline Spelman isn't out of the woods though. She will still be expected to make savings of £200million+ in her department, if she can't axe the forests I wonder what will be lined up for the chop.


Nor do I believe the scheme has been dropped, - just put on the back burner until a more appropriate time or Spelman is replaced.

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I think far more people are aware of the importance of woodland now - or at least they can express themselves more readily.

Exclusively evergreen plantations are fairly poor ecology wise, that hasn't changed.


I was very young, but I believe the protests back then were about the pine monoculture that the Forestry Commission were imposing. Since then there's been a movement to plant forests with more variety of trees and more deciduous species.

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Well the last thing I am thinking about at this moment in time is forests.


Plus it seemed any plans for them were hardly for them to be closed off or cut down.


The whole forest saga seems to have been a red herring or atleast just an idea badly put across.

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just an idea badly put across.


The coalition are very good at that...

- Big Society

- Welfare Reforms

- NHS Reforms

- Student Fees

- Electoral Reforms


In fact, there's very little they've actually come up with and managed to publicise in a clear and concise manner.

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