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Why do the modern generation use the "F" word?

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why do the modern generation use the "F" word in normal everyday conversation. It was almost never heard of when i was younger...of course i had heard it used but usually by angry drunkern men..Now it seems to be ok to just use it in every sentence and it baffles me why.........ok im expecting the worse....hit me with it....lol


Probably for the same reason people use LOL at the end of every sentence. Trend following combined with limited vocabulary.

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I left school 28 years ago and worked in a Sheffield factory for a couple of years, some of the old lads that I worked with would have made Malcolm Tucker blush with the language they used.


God I love Malcolm Tucker. Brilliant, creative, intelligent, hilarious swearing.

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True, it has nothing to do with stress relief, more to do with being badly brought up scum. I do not tolerate it.


I swear all the time.


As Mark Twain said, "In certain trying circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer."


Furthermore, profanity has been ripe throughout history. Who can forget Captain Scott's stricken speech on arriving at the South Pole, stammering through snow speckled stubble, "whose ******* flag is that?"

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I love a good old swear but I know it has its place. Swearing every other word is just weird as is using lol all the bloody time. Bloody used to be offensive as was dam but now it is ok. Gone with the wind - a fine for saying dam!


See you next tuesday:)



Now thats a word that still shocks. The last real taboo, the naughty word. I love it.

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I am bemused why people get offended by words. Any word is offensive if said aggressively. "sweet little kitten" -> "i'm going to shove this sweet little kitten up your..."


If I replaced the f word with "to have sexual intercourse with" here is what I say to this thread.


Have sexual intercourse with me. Its a load of having sexual intercourse rubbish. You can all just have sexual intercourse off. :)


Where "thats a <REMOVED> huge banana!" Is not offensive its just a means to enhance what you're trying to say. Saying "Thats a very huge banana" is no more "intelligent".

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I bough my Nan the film "Atonement" last Christmas and duly sat down to watch it with her. Having never seen it before I didn't know what it was like but it had Keira Knightley in it "that pretty, skinny lass" that Nan likes. Anyway low and behold half way through the film someone says and writes the word "<REMOVED>" on a note much to my blushes and embarrassment. Nan pipes up "ooh noo he's accidentally gid 'er t'note wi <REMOVED> on ant e?"



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