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Disobeying orders.

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Fortunately I have more sense, who wants to be "canon fodder" as it used to be called in the dark and dingy past.


Yes, they could have been referred to as canon fodder almost 100 years ago. Thousands of good men being wiped out by machine guns just to gain a few hundred feet of useless muddy ground but that was in the dark and dingy past.


The serviceman of today whether it be army, navy or air force has opportunities to learn a lot of skills in demand in civilian life. He also learns to be self supporting , to be able to keep himself physically fit and not rely on other people to carry him along in life.


Whose the real chump? The ex-serviceman who becomes employable or the dole king who relies on his rent, beer and ciggies to be paid for by the rest of society

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Ive often wondered why they are called 'heroes', especially when they get killed, if you ask most soldiers they say there just doing a job.


It's a better use of the term than applying it to some multi-millionaire who sticks one ball in the back of the net in twelve attempts. However you're quite right; the soldiers don't think of themselves as heroes, and many would prefer not to be saddled with the name.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Orders are given, orders should be obeyed, thats what keeps the status quo in the military,should we let the troops do what they want to do. I agree, a man in uniform is a target, a man in a turban anywhere in Afganistan can be a terrorist who knows but we all know that terrorism cannot be defeated because no one knows who they are because their uniform generally is like anyones.


A man in a turban in Afghanistan is a Sikh.....there are still alot of Sikhs in Afghanistan.....or he is a British-Sikh soldier.

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