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Taxis - why are they allowed to use bus lanes?

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because people aren't using/owning their own cars and the less cars there are, the better.


The fewer cars the better or the fewer miles driven by cars the better?


If I have two cars and I drive each of them for 1,000 miles a year, am I producing more pollution/carbon dioxide/other crap than my neighbour who only has one car and drives 20,000 miles a year?


How many miles a year does a taxi do? - probably more than a domestic car. Taxs are major polluters!


Any time you see a privately-owned and privately-operated car on the road, there is at least one person in that car who wants (or needs) to go where the car is going. You can't say that about a taxi. Or a bus.


'Bus lanes' should be scrapped and replaced by dedicated lanes for vehicles with at least 50% pssenger load.


Motorcycles have at least 50% - They're OK. A car with at least 2 people wold also be OK. A taxi with 2 passengers in it (besides the driver) would be OK. A bus with a 50% passenger load would be OK.


Cars with only one person, taxis with only one passenger and buses whch are less than half-full should go and play in the traffic.


Why should we encourage under-utilised vehicles? Is pollution a good thing?

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dave_dave, let's not turn this thread into an argument about grammar. Most of us thought the question was obvious and have chipped in accordingly. What are your thoughts?


Why are taxis allowed to use bus lanes?


I don't think I've mentioned grammar so no, I won't turn it into an argument about grammar.

I don't see why Taxis shouldn't be able to use bus lanes, do a search for the amount of people annoyed when the taxi they're in takes the long route to a destination. It's the idiot motorists that ignore the bus lane signs that tend to hold things up.

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Whilst I don't mind taxis using bus lanes, I do think that they should be restricted to using them only when on duty & with passengers on board.


I highly suspect that many taxis drivers use the lanes whilst off-duty therefore they aren't taxi-ing and are subject to the same rules as every other private car.


I think they are not allowed to use them when off-duty, but it's absolutely impossible to police isn't it.

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How so what? Your bold highlights the inequality, he's saying there shouldn't be an inequality if the taxi only has one occupant.


Maybe it's me, but that seemed pretty obvious.


It's also fairly obvious that if taxis didn't use bus lanes, he would be stuck in traffic for longer. So if his problem is just inequality, maybe he should consider that it would take longer if only buses could use the bus lanes.

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The fewer cars the better or the fewer miles driven by cars the better?


If I have two cars and I drive each of them for 1,000 miles a year, am I producing more pollution/carbon dioxide/other crap than my neighbour who only has one car and drives 20,000 miles a year?


How many miles a year does a taxi do? - probably more than a domestic car. Taxs are major polluters!


Any time you see a privately-owned and privately-operated car on the road, there is at least one person in that car who wants (or needs) to go where the car is going. You can't say that about a taxi. Or a bus.


'Bus lanes' should be scrapped and replaced by dedicated lanes for vehicles with at least 50% pssenger load.


Motorcycles have at least 50% - They're OK. A car with at least 2 people wold also be OK. A taxi with 2 passengers in it (besides the driver) would be OK. A bus with a 50% passenger load would be OK.


Cars with only one person, taxis with only one passenger and buses whch are less than half-full should go and play in the traffic.


Why should we encourage under-utilised vehicles? Is pollution a good thing?


I agree 99% with this, but I would still allow all buses to use the dedicated lane. Many routes would simply be cut otherwise imho.

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It's also fairly obvious that if taxis didn't use bus lanes, he would be stuck in traffic for longer. So if his problem is just inequality, maybe he should consider that it would take longer if only buses could use the bus lanes.


But then the driver would give more thought to using the bus, which is the whole point isn't it?

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When someone drives a private car the pollution and congestion that their car causes stops when they reach their destination. If that person instead decided to use a taxi for the journey that taxi would pollute and congest for the journey to the pickup point, the journey to the destination, and the journey onwards from there. As it also contains one extra person (taxi driver) who is going nowhere in particular it will weigh more and therefore use more fuel.


For any given journey a taxi will polute more than a private motorist doing the same trip.

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