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Taxis - why are they allowed to use bus lanes?

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The question still remains unanswered as far as I'm concerned. Why are taxis allowed to use bus lanes?


I don't mean the superficial answers like, because they can, or because they are public transport, or because they have paid a license, which are all unsatisfactory.


Councils up and down the land all decided that bus lanes were a good idea, and then decided that it was a good idea to allow taxis to use them, and then decided that it was a good idea to allow motorcycles to use them. Why did they think it was a good idea to allow taxis? When coming to their decision I would expect councils to give consideration as to what bus lanes are actually for, and whether allowing taxis would be beneficial towards the objective.


If the main aim of bus lanes is simply to get people out of cars and into public transport, whatever it is, then I can understand why taxis are allowed in the wrongly named bus lanes.


If however, the main aim of bus lanes is to reduce congestion and pollution, which is how I thought they were sold to the public, then allowing taxis to use bus lanes is detrimental to that aim.


Not only is a taxi journey more polluting than an equivalent car journey, and increases congestion, but giving taxis access to bus lanes can only discourage people from choosing to wait for a bus.


So I would love to here a logical answer to the question, this is what bus lanes are for, and this is why allowing taxis to use them helps the cause.



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use bus lanes?


I understand people (usually 1 customer) are paying a taxi to take them out/to work etc. but I'm sat queueing in traffic, taking longer than I should using my fuel.

So why?


+ I don't drive like a complete moron, do u-turns anywhere I feel, park up in the middle of a main road to let people out etc. etc. etc.


I found this vaguely amusing. I spotted it a while ago and your thread just reminded me of it.:hihi::hihi:






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The question still remains unanswered as far as I'm concerned. Why are taxis allowed to use bus lanes?


I don't mean the superficial answers like, because they can, or because they are public transport, or because they have paid a license, which are all unsatisfactory.




So you refuse to listen to the actual answers and want someone to make something up that is of more interest to you?

The question in the OP has been answered plenty of times, try reading.

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Why are most people on SF so anti-taxi?


Taxis are great. You pay money and they take you where you want.


If you don't like them get the bus or the tram.


they're not anti taxi they're anti Pakistani taxi drivers, it's glaringly obvious.


Sheffield and some near by areas have a history of appaling racism towards Asian taxi drivers.

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So you refuse to listen to the actual answers and want someone to make something up that is of more interest to you?

The question in the OP has been answered plenty of times, try reading.

Thank you for your patronising reply.


I refuse to accept the only two 'answers' given so far because they are not logical. I have spelled this out as clearly as I possibly can. I have listened, and I can read, thank you.



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Thank you for your patronising reply.


I refuse to accept the only two 'answers' given so far because they are not logical. I have spelled this out as clearly as I possibly can. I have listened, and I can read, thank you.




You have been given 'fact' but as you said earlier in the thread you would rather have replies that made an interesting thread. Maybe the OP wanted a genuine answer rather than what you want?

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Genuine question here, so please don't bite my head off ......... Are PRIVATE hire cars classed as PUBLIC transport?
Private Hire cars are not public transport as the name suggests, but.......
taxis haven't always been allowed to use the bus lanes, in fact the rule change came about due to pressure on the council to come in line with London. The taxi trade which tradotionally was the black cabs have always been described in law as a 'public servicel just as the buses are regarded as a public service. All the while the council run the buses they indeed seemed like a loc authority run service for the benefit of the travelling public, but when deregulation came in 1985 and big business took over the buses the taxi trade across the country hilighted the unfair advantage accorded to the buses especially when plans were being drawn up to restrict ordinary cars from city centres. After campaigning the taxi trade got their way I think in 1995. Private hire were given equal status shortly after the black cabs as confusion over definition of what a taxi is ensued. Hope this helps as it has nothing to do with fuel consumption or number of passengers or any other scheme to annoy you but a matter of what os defined as a public service. There still are some places where taxis are not allowed to use bus lanes. sheffield council was cornered when they decided to restrict cars from large chunks of city centre and when they were pushed to explain how a whellchair user or an elderly person needing to be in the retricted area hires a taxi to town, how are they going to get near as possible to their destination? So when they allowed for bus lane use they had to allow all bus lanes and gates.
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