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All discussion around AV here please!

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I don't think the BNP will get seats under AV. However, it's the party that comes last who have their second preferences counted first. You rightly point out that that will often be the BNP. Fringe supporters getting the deciding vote in elections doesn't sit well with me.


EDIT: Still, my opinion doesn't count. My Clegg loving mother is voting YES "to cancel out my NO" despite being unable to tell me what AV is!:(


You should get her on a WWF list of endangered species.

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The problem with a voting system like that, means that (As happened at the European Parliamentary Elections) plonkers like the BNP still get a seat despite coming last.


No, thanks!


I would say this is the beauty of AV. Parties like the BNP get a chance to be heard and their policies are discussed in open debate. People can then make an informed decision rather then keeping them on the sidelines and gaining sway by claiming they are kept out of mainstream politics.


The best way to defeat the BNP is to confront them head on, on a level playing field.


We live in a democracy and if near on a million people vote for the BNP, they deserve the right to a voice, even if you dislike what it has to say.

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I would say this is the beauty of AV. Parties like the BNP get a chance to be heard and their policies are discussed in open debate. People can then make an informed decision rather then keeping them on the sidelines and gaining sway by claiming they are kept out of mainstream politics.


The best way to defeat the BNP is to confront them head on, on a level playing field.


We live in a democracy and if near on a million people vote for the BNP, they deserve the right to a voice, even if you dislike what it has to say.


A good point.

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I hope that none of the AV supporters are thinking that AV has anything to do with proportional representation or is like it in any way.


LieBore offered the GlibDims the same AV vote option if they joined a coalition with themselves.


When the time comes for the vote, I'll be firmly in the "No" camp. I voted for the GlibDims in order the get PR. As you rightly say, this is nothing like it and is a pointless exercise (something LieBore knew, yet also offered).

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Under AV will it be compulsory to list all the candidates in order of preference? Will my vote be void if I only list my preferred candidate?


I think AV is far less democratic than the current system. That is the mistake Labour made in the recent leadership election... the most popular candidate lost due to a similar system.

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Under AV will it be compulsory to list all the candidates in order of preference?


Definitely not. Someone who wants Labour to win, or failing that the Greens or the Socialist Worker's Party, or maybe the Lib-Dems as a last resort but definitely not the Tories come what may ... will not be expected to list the Tory candidate as any rank.

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Easiest solution: the French one.


Round 1 voting- as at present. If one candidate gains > 50% votes, he/she is elected.

If no-one gains > 50%:

Round 2 voting (a week later)- top two in a runoff vote.


So no need for AV/PR or anything else either.

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Easiest solution: the French one.


Round 1 voting- as at present. If one candidate gains > 50% votes, he/she is elected.

If no-one gains > 50%:

Round 2 voting (a week later)- top two in a runoff vote.


So no need for AV/PR or anything else either.


We'd never got for it, but I would much rather have this than AV. Double the election fun!:D

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When listening to Cameron denouncing AV as unworkable etc. just bear in mind that it's the system used by the government to select their leaders.


If it's the preferred system and good enough for them, why not us?


Neither the Tories nor the Lib Dems use AV for leadership elections.

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