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Should there be law prohibiting parents smoking in front of children ?

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When every smoker has been so harrassd to death, what next? booze? cigarettes kill nobody but the smoker. Booze kills a lot more people from drunks in cars. I quit smoking years ago, and it was hard, so I understand how smokers feel, but they should take the responsibility for their children's health not only by not smoking, but for their diet. Its not a government's job.

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When every smoker has been so harrassd to death, what next? booze? cigarettes kill nobody but the smoker. Booze kills a lot more people from drunks in cars. I quit smoking years ago, and it was hard, so I understand how smokers feel, but they should take the responsibility for their children's health not only by not smoking, but for their diet. Its not a government's job.
My bold, passive smoking is a killer, look what happened to Roy Castle.
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I agree 100%, forcing passive smoking on children should be classed as abuse.


it's irrisponsible and deplorable. but there are many things worse or just as bad people do. education etc is what's needed. if the govenment is going to start making laws for that they might as well just employ 'nannys' for each house hold to keep an eye on everyone to make sure they not smoking, feeding kids crap...

laws for this would be wrong.

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There was a programme on TV a while back. A little boy was having constant ear infections and the hospital told his father that smoking inside the house could be one of the causes. He was having none of it. "Ah, but they can't say that it's definitely the cause can they? Until they can tell me that, I'll carry on." He said it with a smug, triumphant grin on his face. How can you fight that attitude?:(

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There was a programme on TV a while back. A little boy was having constant ear infections and the hospital told his father that smoking inside the house could be one of the causes. He was having none of it. "Ah, but they can't say that it's definitely the cause can they? Until they can tell me that, I'll carry on." He said it with a smug, triumphant grin on his face. How can you fight that attitude?:(


What a guy! Wish he was my dad!!! :rolleyes:

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One problem us social fascists haven 't considered----maybe ? A lot of teenagers are naturally rebellious. If their parents don 't smoke and the Health & Safety bureaucrats are always nagging at them not to smoke----then they might well think, " Ugh, boring, nagging, oh-so-perfect old gits. I 'm gonna smoke, take drugs, drink myself senseless, have loads of casual nooky AND drive like a maniac---I just wanna be another James Dean ! "

I think some of them are on that path already ! OMG x 100 !! What can we do ? Well, we could ban teenagers and children ?

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Further to my post [ 47 ], has anyone noticed a strange number of modern trends ? For about the last 30 years or so, billions must have been spent, one way or another, advising everyone [ but perhaps especially the young ] not to do this, that or the other. What has been the effect on teenage behaviour, health levels, life-styles and happiness ? Could the constant nagging of our Nanny State have helped push them into the area of deliberate bad behaviour ?? I think we should be told ! Quick----set up another quango !

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So there is absolute proof Pasive Smoking gave him lung cancer.

I think you will find that not to be the case


You can never prove absolutely that anything gives anyone cancer. However, the scientific consensus is that passive smoking does indeed cause cancer.


If you have evidence to the contrary, Sandie, I'm sure the World Health Organisation would be interested in hearing it.....

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